ATTN Shift518!!!There are thieves about!!!

Somone tried to break into my civic last night.The molding after the drivers window is broken.weatherstripping ripped,and paint scratched.I live in an extremly quit nighborhood with all old people.heard a loud car drive by a couple times last night and this the next day.If I find out who this is they will pay dearly. Watch your cars people!!!

Git em Seabass!!!

They don’t take the two dirt bikes in the back of my truck,But they try to break into my civic.

I always look outside when I hear a car drive by at night if i’m awake. I live on a “dead end” street, theres no reason to drive on my street at night and 99% of my neighbors are already home past 9pm or so.

The last time I heard someone drive by I looked out and saw cazwrx from this forum intentionally drive across my front lawn…


it was a loud ass car that slowed down by my drivway on the way down the street and then went hauling ass on the way back up the street.My street is also a dead end.No reason for traffic late at night.

Exactly. They have no business being on your street unless they are up to no good. Visiting someone? Maybe, but not on a weekday and late at night.

I bet they’ll be back again, especially since they didn’t get into the car… they obviously didn’t get what they wanted.

Since they’re stupid enough to try and break into a car in the first place, i’ll be willing to bet that they’ll be stupid enough to come back and try to break in again.

They must have been scoping it out before that because I had the car nose in twoard the garage door,so they wouldn’t have seen the intercooler,and the only thing that doesn’t look stock inside is the gauges on the pillar.

Yeah, someone broke into my ford last week and stole my Ipod and GPS. Kick is it was sometime between Sun evening(3pm) and Monday morning(9am) and the car was 10 feet behind my porch here in B-Spa.


I just got back from vacation last night, The house right next door to me is empty and for sale. As i was unpacking my car, i noticed that someone broke into the empty house. They shattered the big sliding patio door and destroyed the inside of the house… Glad they didnt bother my shit

Sorry to hear that man. Hate to say it guys, but with the economy being the way it is… this is only going to get worse, so do what you can to protect yourselves and your property.

Where in Colonie do you live?
This fucking sucks. I always wake up or look out my window late at night if I hear a loud car go by my house. Some scumbags broke into my dad’s old '99 540i a few years ago and stole his laptop and some other small things. Same thing 2 years ago some dirtbags broke into my '98 Cavalier and stole the deck and my iPod, and the door was never the same from them prying it open:Idiots
and like you, I live in a very quiet neighborhood with mostly old people or new families.

was prolly bubb rubb and the gang

I just went and locked my doors, not that theres anything in the fit to steal lol.

you don’t already lock them?

Thank god no one bothers coming to my house

My truck is always locked.
I never hear anything when Im sleeping, not even my brother pulling in the driveway and his truck is fairly loud.

statistics say a honda civic is the car thats stolen most often in this country

damn mexicans

like a '99 or something old though, right?