Car Got Broken Into

Guess it doesn’t matter where you live, got ym car broken into. I heard a atv/dirt[ATTACH=CONFIG]21480[/ATTACH]bike at 3am but didn’t think anything of it, starting to regret my decision. My car was parked at the very end of my driveway to. Guess this is just a heads up to always be aware, but it fucking sucks. It was either some hillbilly who lives out in farm country or some little punk ass kids who live in my neighborhood according to the cop who filed the report, i don’t expect to get anything back, but it sucks to take care of something and have stupid lazy little shits fuck it up.

Where do you live and what’d they take? Sucks man! I’m in a nice neighborhood now, but I still lock my shit up. You never know nowadays.

East Amherst, and the car was locked, i guess my mom left her purse in the fucking car, i didn’t even know about it until this morning when i was going to go to work.

Probably punk kids…

Look at it this way in the city they might have shot you :slight_smile:

I’m going to start saying I live in North Grand Island so that I’m not associated with the poor people on the south side.

ugh that sucks. Wheatfield is nice but even some parts seem like they are getting worse.

I installed cameras on my house. I LOVE them. I can even check them from my phone at work…or lying in bed at night.


Wow, that’s so shitty to see, especially in your neighborhood which is gorgeous.

That’s original…


OP, sorry to hear, that sucks.

Sorry that previous comment was bleeding sarcasm

Next time I will be sure to add sarcasm tags around it

Sorry to hear! So happy my new apartment has a garage space for my whip!

Aren’t you glad you locked your doors? :wink:

City > Burbs

Island > Mainland

If you are not owned by a tribe. :wink:

Aurora > * :smiley:

I never lock my doors any more. I also never leave anything of value in my car. I have full glass coverage but it’s just not worth the time and effort to get it fixed. The only thing of value I leave in my car is a car seat.
Unlocked at home. Locked in the city. The city they are smart enough to go on to the next car with shit out in the open.

I don’t lock the Miata’s doors. It’s a convertible, they’ll just cut it open. I have insurance anyways.

They can have my sunglasses and iPod charger.

It’s all covered just a hassle and I guess someone got their dirtbikes stolen down the street and the person used the dirtbikes to case the neighborhood. I would have thought the tints and Parking so close to my house is deterrent enough but I guess not, all I know is the cops better find this kid before I do

^ thanks for the headsup…Ill keep an eye out for a silver miata. I need some new sunglasses

Weird driving a dirtbike around isn’t very subtle.

I had a bass amp stolen from my locked Prizm at Buffalo Tap Room about 2 years ago. I drove down the street and saw two kids on bikes with the amp and flew up next to them, told them if they didn’t drop the amp I’d stab them in the neck with a hot soldering iron and they threw it on the grass of someone’s yard and booked.

I was super pissed, but happy I got it back minus the grass and dirt on it.