Allentown= Getto? (update POST34)

So came out today to go to work at 3pm and My passanger window was smashed out, dash riped apart V1 stolen Seats ripped :frowning:

I bought the V1 off TsiTalon (ithink)
Police asked if I had Serial #…

It was posted here when I bought it… but the thread is long gone… any one who can help that would be great :slight_smile:

you live in Allentown and left it visable in your car or was it hidden and they happened to find it?

Seats ripped?

Someone have a vendetta against you?

I think they kneeled in the glass theres little tears where the glass was…

no it was above the mirrior in the car Ive lived in Allentown for 1.5 years my first issue :confused: sucks Insurance said there not covering the V1, but will the window, damage to consale… Gay

that blows man :tdown: sorry to hear.

this is the reason why I refuse to live in the city… hope they can recover it for you. Do you have an alarm? (not that it probably would of mattered much)

I only have a factory alarm… next car I think I’ll get somthing ontop… if it had gone off I would have heard it it was right infront of my house :confused:

Just don’t leave things people want to steal in sight, in your car. It’s simple.

BTW: a friends parents that live in Amherst got their window smashed because they had the GPS mount on their window. Even though the GPS unit wasn’t in the car.

my buddy had a shitty 100 dollar cd player ripped out of his car in allentown.

He’s lived there for 5 years.

The same winter he had a city plow truck destroy the rear of his car (pontiac vibe).

Then they said it wasn’t their fault, and he had to claim it on his own insurance.

Its a cool area, but attracts weirdos and a pain in the ass to park.

Thats why I looked for a place with off street parking

For the most part, yeah. One time my old room mate’s truck was broken into in our driveway and nothing had been left visible. I know a few people that simply don’t leave anything in their cars and leave the doors unlocked.

yeah it sucks. Living in the city isn’t risky. Shoulda just hid it in the glove. Oh well.
Oh we do have off street parking… For 1 car. We have 2…


Damn that sucks! I live right next to the elmwood/west utica ave parking lot… DO NOT PARK THERE i call the cops at least 3 times a week when I hear the pops and more then a handful of time si gave a full description of the guy and cops never showed up

I always wondered whose Evo that was parked on the Elmwood in Allentown. I even said to myself that “this guys nuts”. Well guess I know who it is now…

I would consider the V1 a total loss. Sucks it happened but this shit happens all the time down there.

same thing happened to me at work on Niagara and Connecticut. Parked out front of an armory and i still get a smashed window and the only thing that was stolen was my frigin beret

sucks dude… i always worry about this kind of shit happening

ya the V1 is a loss… :frowning: Ill probibly order another… its driving me nuts not having it, I keep looking up to the empty spot on the windshield :confused: and with the 250 deductible probibly wont get anything… I do have full glass so I should atleast get the window replaced…

ya the window should be good with the full glass. Sucks man i had a nice clarion along with 3/4 of my dash ripped out of my first car right in my driveway in my hometown


sucks dude… sorry to hear.