Someone broke into my car....

Someone broke into my Toyota today. Smashed the window with a brick. They stole a Tom Tom One XL GPS. If anyone sees this for sale anywhere, can you please let me know. Thanks.

Sucks man, I feel for you. But you should really leave stuff like that out of the open. I always put my radio faceplate in the glove box and never keep anything of value in the open.

Damn dude, that really sucks to hear. Did you have your GPS in plain site by the windshield?

that sucks dude… hope it turns up somewhere

yooo if it had your house programmed in it… BE ON ALERT!! I heard some shit a little while ago about people using the GPS to get to your house.

not meaning to scare you or anything just giving you a heads up.

… srsly? they need a GPS to find his house from his driveway? lol

Yea I’m an idiot, I left the GPS in plain sight because I was going back out in a few hours. It was stolen between 4pm-6pm today. The car was parked in my underground parking. I had a bunch of s13 parts in the car too but it seems like nothing else was taken. Douchbags also went through my glove box. Good thing I didn’t have anything valuable in there.

hey bro, do you happen to you live in the brampton area? 2 of my buddies gps’s got stolen at like 2 in the morning. the both have bimmers, and both drivers front windows were smashed.

nah bro, I’m in Mississauga near Dundas and Erin Mills.

Sucks man. GL

Damn … sucks, best of luck to you.

Also, you said that the car was underground?
I’m guessing that the people who stole it live in your apartment/condo?

What are the odds of that?
I’ll keep an eye out since I’m always on FS forums anyways…
even though I don’t buy jack

^^^ lol window shopping, blame it on “economey” i’m guilty

yo ramesh can’t u track that shit

Damn punk kids, and isn’t their a hotline you can call to track it by giving the serial number? Or am I just delusional.

give it a couple of days, and check in kijiji…thats my advice to you…GL in your search

for all we know, it’s already being used or in the process of being bought in the black market(non-internet).

Fuck, that’s exactly where I’m at too. Not good news to hear… Oh well, I keep things out of sight anyway so there’s not much more I can do.

no camera’s in the parking. Im guessing u live in a condo or somehting and for them to have access to the parking there is a chance they live in the same building as u.

Someone recently broke the window of my 87 benz 300sdl just to steal the GARAGE DOOR OPENER! wtf… stupid condo

its so they can come back and steal your car or someone elses, gain access to your building