Allentown= Getto? (update POST34)

sucks man sorry to hear. I have a V1 that I never use anymore since I sold my SRT-4. If you want a replacement let me know.

you have a pm…

but ya sucks…im going to try to get the window done tomarrow for now its in the parents garage staying dry…

LOL @ the cops asking for a serial number. Like they will even attemt to track it.

When my car was broken into and called 911 they told me it would be 3+ hours before they could get to it on a Tuesday night because it was a “low priority”. They then proceeded to tell me to moved the broken glass off my seat and drive to the precinct, when I showed up they asked for a list of items, didn’t ask to see my car or anything, and gave me the file #.

Auto insurance wouldn’t cover my v1 or other items, so I had to do a home owners claim. Best of luck with your troubles, fuck thieves.

lol at cops trying to find a stolen radar detector.

but yeah, that does blow. I ALWAYS take down my v1 no matter where I park. unless I have line of sight of my car.

it takes 5 seconds to put it back on, and that 5 seconds is cheaper than $400

ya apparently laziness pawned me :confused: when I first moved here I took it down everynight… then as time passed i just left it oh well

Never leave anything of value visible in your car if you park anywhere.

Having a V1 in plain view is just like putting 400 bucks cash on your dash.

Also never put anything of value in your trunk as you leave your car.

If it turns up and they have your info they will get it back. It is amazing how much stuff turns up at the department’s property clerk. Most of it gets auctioned off because it either does not have a serial number, or because the owner did not call the police when it was stolen, or the owner did not have the serial number.

Better than I got. I got “Here’s your case number, call your insurance company. Have a nice day.”

Putting stuff in your glove box wont always help. The last CD player I had stolen was locked in the glove box. They simply pryed the glove box open and damaged more of the dash. That sucks… I pass your car all the time on my way too/from work.

BTW…if you have renters or homeowners insurance they should cover the items stolen from the car.

atown has been a hotspot like a week ago my dad’s car was broken into and the gps was taken. the cops said it was the 5th report that night.

Was it a detachable face? Nobody takes those things with them, so if you lock the glove box you know its in there. Nobody is just going to break into a car and see whats in the glovebox.

Yes, obviously it was a detachable face. You are right, they probably wont just break in unless they have suspicion something of value is locked in it. Then again, I know people who have had their car broken into in that area and all the guy did was look for change.

I have also noticed that a lot of break-ins will occur in a few night span where they will hit up 5-6 cars per night. The cop that showed up the last time it happened to me told me they have an idea, or a pool of guys, they expect it is doing it, but they cant do anything unless they catch them in the act, or with the stolen goods. Typically its some guy who just got out of jail and needed to get some cash. Its sucks. Kinda makes you want to set up a bait car and wait in the shadows for the guy to show up.

:word: I was thinking about doing that…it sucks… but glass is fixed gots to pick it up at magic glass… now time to order dash parts and V1… insurance told me the damages were not more then the 250 deductible :confused:

POOOOPPPPPY!!! I think some one hates me. So got up this morning …scratchs and dents down the rear quarter of the RSX I just picked up yesterday… OMG I hate living in the Getto.
I think Im using the money i got from the evo to move out of the Getto…

No seriously, someone hates you.

pics of damage?

I wouldn’t consider where you live a ghetto, more than likely it’s some drunk kid.

That fucking sucks. You can do what my buddy and his brother did in TO. His car kept getting stolen and the performance parts kept getting stripped out of it but the chassis always ended up being found. So after he got it back for the last time he rebuilt it and parked it in his usual spot. Than for about two weeks straight him and his brother, and a friend would spent the night in a nearby dumpster. I give those kids props, they actually cought the guys that kept on stealing his car, and had some fun with em.

ouch… talk about adding insult to injury :tdown: Either someone hates you or just have terrible luck.

I think Im using the money i got from the evo to move out of the Getto…

find a place with a garage :tup:

FYI there’s nothing in the trash bin. No posts by tsitalon with “V1” “Valentine” or “Radar” in them.

(Threads don’t get deleted, they get moved to a trash bin for circumstances like this one.)

I would not call that area the ghetto at all. But there are lots of homeless that roam around so the break in isn’t too surprising. Who knows what the scratches and dents are from, maybe drunk people were fighting and someone got thrown against your car?