I personally HATE IT when people slam my car doors. The car door (or trunk) can be shut very easily. Car doors dont weigh 1000lbs so why are you putting 1000lbs of force into shutting my door.
That being said, I have never done this! Lol oops

I HATE when people do that too. My dad does it, my wife does it. I am like, “Hey I drive old cars with old door seals you don’t need to slam it!” lol

I HATE hipsters and greek food.

Hipsters and Greek food are delicious.

eat hipsters.

I HATE car decorations. mustaches. reindeer antlers. wreaths. eye lashes on headlights. fuck that shit.

But Mr. Panos, how do you do it?

I love greek food.

I hate when people slam the s2k doors. They slam with ease!!!

Why are they jumping on his car like monkeys?

I guesswhat happened is the taxi cab driver yelled at them after they got out and slammed his door. Things got hot and they began hitting his car.
Im sorry but if people were jumping on my car and throwing things at it…get outta my way

It’s their own fault for being retarded. The cab driver was probably terrified during that whole ordeal and wanted out. Who could blame him?

The back doors on my Element weigh about 4 ounces, they’re usually the victim of some serious SLAMMING… :fu:

My stupid sister slams every fucking door she touches regardless if she’s mad or not. It will shake the house, car, etc. She is a cunt, anyone want her facebook profile to harass her?

Only doors?


Lol, I hate her so that made me laugh

I’m going to slam your sister up against the door of your car…

On a side note who walks infront of a car, duh your going to get run over, fucking stupid people…

slamming doors is awful. so much hate.

cmon she cant be THAT bad…shes your sis
no family love?

A couple years back 2 random sketching looking dudes came out of from behind a store on union where i met up with a buddy one came to my window as the other tried to climb in the pass side you better believe i tried to hit both of them as i backed out and launched at them still kind of mad i was able to get either of them. Fuckers started banging on my roof and shit i still have a dent from it.

I would have shot them, just sayin.