You know you might be gay if...

… You’re excited to see a musical. This saturday is “Wicked” here in the Roc (I was invited, I swear). The story seems awesome. I hope the big bad witch got strung out on herion or something. The only other thing I’ve seen was Cats when I was younger, and that was bad ass :slight_smile:

you might be gay if… (sry but after a text and trick im… )

^^^ hahahah wtf

Wtf. :lol:

Oh so you’re gay too? That said I’m planning on seeing it as well at Shea’s soon.


haha. i zapped you twice with that.

god. i was so RELAXED.

i like the new direction this thread took.

i get hard looking at my white thighs.

Its like staring at an emo frog on its back.

damn and I thought this was another thread about skunk.

i was wating for someone to comment…

always you for some reason though.
