You know you own an S13 when....

  1. Honda drivers think you’re a v6 because you beat them so bad

Ya that happens lots

On a hot day your hands get covered in black crap from the steering wheel
You’ve gotten used to the annoying whistle from the sunroof
You’ve considered naming your daughter Silvia
You smile at 20 minutes to 3:00

nice dave …I like the first 2 …soo true …

I always look for ones without sunroofs for that reason and rain leakage

I’m guilty of pretty much every one of those with the exception of the motorized seatbelt issues. Love that list.

B-Wurm :smiley:

  1. When you put the car in neutral to slow down your eyes become fixed on the tach and you pray it doesnt die.

ya why do the KA’s do that? mine has been doing that the last month or so. usually right when i start the car. RPMs drop way low and then level out again. :?