You need this in your life.

I think this is my best work yet.

And it’s free too.

Please distribute like crazy :slight_smile:

cool. in for downloading later.

got ur im earlier, hottt

downloading now.

team radio stuff is real hot. everyone should get in on this.

thank you dex!

dont sleep! its fucking free!

siq dude. listening to it now.

ur beats are fresh. :tspry:

I like it a lot. Sounds great!

p.s. how can i get a hold of ur 2/or all 3 albums?

in the mix i was under the impression that you have 2 previous and 1 upcoming album? where and how can i get a hold of them?

thanks so much! we have older mixtapes available on our myspace pages - check out:

The two previous albums we can’t do much with until we’re in a slightly better position, but keep an eye out for “Promise to a Closer Spirit” which is Chae’s solo project he mentions in the interview, hopefully by the end of the year it’ll be available in a store near you.


gave it a listen last night. i thought it was awesome. chae hawk is fucking sick.

i can’t get it to work.
maybe it’s this piece of shit computer i’m on.


don’t play the vid. download the attached file.

listening now…

almost 500 downloads…getting there :stuck_out_tongue:


ok, I gave it a chance… I guess its just not my style

its… too hip-hop-MC-ish for me, NOT AT ALL something I’d buy. props to you for doing it tho!

word well this tape was designed to promote for our mans album.

combine electronic music DJing with hiphop MCing, since our personal tastes stray from current hiphop, but be able to make a mixtape that rap kids could still be like “oh wow.” it’s definitely very different and nothing that’s really been done.

really fresh