you tube question


stay off the PC, please!



lol not u


ive got the same problem, nothing worked for me neither



And what’s even weirder, I have an older computer with IE 6.0 and Flash 8 and youtube works fine on that computer. :confused:

On my computer with Flash 9 and IE 6 or 7, nothing works. Even tried going back to 8 and youtube still doesn’t work. All the settings are correct/same as old POS that works (Java scripting enabled, flash up to date).

However, video google, putfile, and every other streaming video website on the planet works with no problems.:wtf: :mad:

Looks like I will be using video google exclusively until youtube fixes their shit.


i’m thinking this is starting to happen to enough people that they’ll have to do it at some point. I don’t have any odd software on my compy that should conflict with Flash (google toolbar, symantec a/v, spywareblaster… that’s it, and i’ve tried turning everything off, on, updating… a;lskdjf)

hmmm, try going to and viewing a video

youtube has recently been converting their videos to a new format per their deal with Apple. the above website displays videos in this format aswell. If they don’t work, it may be the problem. (missing codec?)

hmmm, doesn’t look like works either. Whne did youtube sign a deal with Apple, and what exactly is this new format?


they’re going to the H.264 format so the iphone can use it (iphone doesn’t currently support flash). It allows better quality video while using less bandwidth.

I’d say try getting the proper codec and try it again. It may be unrelated but it’s odd that it’s not working for break either, but google video works fine

edit: try getting the latest quicktime, it supports this format… not sure what else does. Sucks though because quicktime blows IMO

IS the codec a plugin for the browser? Because if not it doesn’t do any good.

Checked the normal, that works ok.

well, even though it plays in a flash based player… it’s still in the H.264 format which would require the appropriate codec to decode it.

it’s just a guess though… youtube works fine over here :shrug: If it doesn’t work, you could just uninstall it

let us know what happens

quicktime works fine for me…

so does break

Uninstalled my old quicktime, installed the new one with the codec. Youtube still doesn’t work.

Was worth a shot…

I just googled a whole lot of other instances of people with this problem, and there doesn’t seem to be any concret way of fixing it. Youtube had better get on the ball, this could seriously hurt them.

putfile,, videogoogle, myspace all work.

You tube doesn’t.

What other streaming video websites (similar to youtube) are out there that I could test?

  • yeah, that’s another thing. vids from youtube that i code into my myspace - work - and others i try to pull up from youtube… not so much

hmmm, thats really odd.

g/l with getting it resolved. Definitely sounds like it’s on their end

mine started working today yay

Yeah, I don’t know what happened between now and the last time I posted, but now youtube works the way it should. Guess they fixed it (finally) on their end.
