Your favorite comedian (of the moment) thread.

Donald Glover

(Post removed due to violation of sites policies)


Good call.


arright, retracting my previous statement.

new favorite = patrice o’neal. he might be dead, but he’s still funny.


Completely forgot about Dave Attell.

Just saw him in a comedy club down in New York City and he absolutely killed it :bowdown

Best part was he came on stage kind of like he is in the video, long hair, baseball cap and a carhart :rofl



Don Rickles ,Rodney Dangerfield and Andrew Dice Clay

LOVE old school Robin Williams from the 80’s when he was still all coked up


And of course George Carlin


I saw Greg Giraldo live 3 times. I nearly had to walk of Comix it hurt so bad. He is insanely funny. The rants are epic.

Where so you usually go in the city? I saw Dave Attel in the Comedy Cellar.

I complete forgot to get a hold of you when I was there a few weeks ago, I’ll text you if you got the same number.

I REALLY liked Comix but it shut down. Comic Strip Live is a nice venue but they don’t rotate the comedians as much. I did go down with my boys at a 2AM showing completely drunk on a rainy Saturday and Jay Oakerson was absolutely hilarious. However, Comedy Cellar seems to get the bigger names. It’s REALLY tight inside though. Carolines is really good too.

Hedberg is by far my favorite, I used to get stoned all day e’eryday and could listen to that dude over and over. Other favorites are Kinison, Pryor and that old school Bill Cosby before he gave a fuck about kids… Carlin’s old stuff was awesome but it seems to much like a shtick now…

Still laugh my ass off watching the OLD Def Comedy Jams when the Wayan’s and them used to shit on the whole audience lol

Place is TINY.

I sat in the front row and was squeezed at the table by the other people. You are literally sitting shoulder to shoulder there, and the front row always gets picked on. Dave Attel ripped apart a drunk wise ass heckler. :rofl

What’s the big seating theater size place you always see on Comedy Central? Usually in “comedy central presents”?

Joe Rogan epicly destroying a female heckler.


Funny and awkward stand–up with an extreme norwegian accent



Audio is out of synch but worth the watch anyhow.

Michael Davis


Since it was brought up recently.

George Carlin





And some Robin Williams
