Your girl's naked, what do you do? Help me settle a bet....

So here’s the story…
Your laying in bed on you laptop and searching through the NYSpeed Forum.
Your girl is in the shower…

She gets out, walks into the room, and drops the towel for you… What do you do?

Tell her to get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich.

is this a trick question? lol

Well I guess that would go under the ‘other’ selection…lol…

glance up smile, squeeze some boobs, finish typing. then meet her in the bedroom, this happens daily.

No…I’m serious. lol

you’re missing the correct answer:

snap a picture and post it on nyspeed.


Karter!!! lol…Not helping my situation!

send that bitch to the streets to make some money


I’m starting to realize why the majority of you’s are always on NYSpeed…lol

“Glance up, smile, and then continue typing.”

Lets her know you saw her… but that you’re doing something more important. You’ll lose the “New Posts” if you dick around too long.

its addictive huh? your on more than jeff haha.

money,cars,women in that order haha

christ the 4 of us need to hang out when not just exchanging parts haha

What the hell is this shit?

I used to yell and get pissy that he was on the forums so much… but yea, now i’m on just as much as him. lol…
We should! It would be fun…

Who is your bee eff?

He would… But his phone broke and he’s stuck with a phone from 19fucking10…lol

Digital camera? That always works too.

And why is it that most of the broads who are on here sign up because their boyfriends are on here. Damnit. I knew it was too good to be true that a random broad who raced signed up. No offense. Just typing out observations.

Yea, I’m a lazy fuck, what do you guys want from me?? LOL

My phone is busted, I’ve got a Nokia Model 001 right now…

The Camera Batteries aren’t charged, they never are, so that was out…
