Your utmost attention required

I have a project I’d like to work on:

I’d like to take a music video I have on my computer and dub somebody’s face onto the lead singer in the beginning of the song for around 15 seconds. How can this be done? Similar to that thing the web creators of wedding crashers did where you could take your picture and make it look like you were in the trailer :rofl

I’ll buy you a beer or whatever else you’d like if you lend an interweb helping hand.


fuck you


suck my white ass ball


I’ll gladly send you a virus in a .zip file if that helps


This sounds really neat, bro!

It’s easy for Dennis to give a SHIT because Dennis is so full of SHIT.

You’re fucked brah

PJB… the only way


so youre talking like that Elf Yourself shit?