Z28LT1Rocket combined nonsense thread

cameo post pictures you noob

cameo, you need to get that beast to a… certain body shop :rofl

the illegal body shop over off Dunsbachferry Road.
Everyone should go check it out!


i agree but i can only fight it so much and just either allow or ignor them depending on what mood im in …

your on drugs dude F-CK off or im not going back on the sh-t house of a immature rumor site and im speeking generically for everyone how people go on here and spread garbage about others what a fool!!!



I wasn’t even the one who said “the ******* body shop” all I said was you should bring it to a certtttain body shop, like H & V collision center, I hear they do good work

I’ll use perfect grammar… Dont worry, I know your not! I know who the “genuis” is its joey. Wherever he goes, he trys to be class-A joker. joey messes around all the time. He also thinks the guy"s name is Hogan… LMFAO!!!

So, I dont need an english lesson. I just DONT CARE about grammar. smart one, “quickLT1”.

So what are you going to do now. Get a boner, I used perfect grammar or close to it besides the caps in the middle of the sentence. thanks for telling what I already knew. Later.

cameo shut up and post pics of your ride, this is a project thread not a chat room

Quick LT1 is quicker than your LT1…and it’s in a boat of a Caprice

Anyone wants to know where the illegal bodyshop is, ask Murrdog via PM, he has directions. Any Town of Colonie building inspectors, feel free to check it out.

Tell the others, that all have to say!

The people who need to know. know.

I just got my exhaust fixed today. I had an exhaust cut out welded in, and fixed the header leak. Plus, the Mickey Thompson E/T’s are going on next week, early on.

No need to keep making new threads.


Yah. lol()

Whoa that was close one! I just realized when I was about to post this reply, I almost forgot a period. I’m glad I cought that, I would have never been able to get over that mistake.

:rofl :rofl

yeah, just have one thread about your car and then update that :thumb

new sig quote.

thnx, cameo :lol

project discussion, or this thread makes its way to the trash bin. first and final warning.