zomg new!?

Hello =D
I drive a '06 Mazda 3 which i just got a week ago and i’m currently trying to resell it so i can get a '98 teg so if you know anyone interested in buying it lemme know :smiley:

if you’re just here to sell, leave.


this thread sucks


Nope, just said what i drive and that i’m trying to sell.





good financial planning



Ugh… why can i still not post >.<

Because you are gay (more so than many other Pittspeeders who can post.)

Please DIAF


the rest of Pittspeed.


Holy thread backfire




The five most stolen items in a drugstore are batteries, cosmetics, film, sunglasses, and, get this, Preparation H. Apparently people are just too embarrassed to purchase the last item. And, just in case you are curious, one of Preparation H’s main ingredient is shark liver oil. The oil not only helps shrink hemorrhoids, but will shrink any tissue. As a result, many older women in Florida use the stuff to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles!