1 in 4 teen girls has an STD

once they go to the darkside they are useless.

How do you know about the burning while pissing?:eek4:

like 10 or 20 girls in my school have a STD

i wouldn’t know anything about it…i hear how bad it is

I only knew of a couple of girls in my HS with STDs… Maybe it’s up since the late 90’s/early 00’s

Thats pure stereotype bullshit. All bitches fuck so they are all subject to the possibility

what makes black girls have a higher %

The report on the evening news on Channel 4 said the same thing…well they said “African American Females,” but same information.

It’s based on reported cases it’s not like they just made it up :rolleyes:


and not to start any shit, but open your eyes. I hear atleast 300 times a day a black male teen ask a black female to her face, “c’mon shorty Im tryn ta fuck”, she usually smiles and who could only guess what happens from there.

And the majority of white females these days think they have a magical va-jay-jay and wont toss it around without some time put in.

^^was all based on my own f’n research.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

fuuuuuuuuuuuck that…its just as easy to nab a white chick if you have the finesse…i would know…i don’t discriminate ;). Statistics my ass…pussy is pussy and lil nasty hoes are of every color not just black

but the study does point out “african american females” have higher numbers than others.

I just spit water all over my monitor here @ work. hahahaha

He hasn’t met any of my girlfriends…


whores are for fucking. ladies are for dating. I did, in fact, find this out the hard way.

the black values system.


Black usage of the word “try” or in this case “tryn” is very interesting. I find it entertaining when it is used in the negative:

“Yo man, I’m not tryn to get arrested” as if perhaps the rest of us are actively trying to be arrested…

Fascinatingly enough, moving “not” before try, rather than after, totally changes the meaning of the sentence, but this goes unnoticed in this urban culture.

well aren’t you a college fucking professor

So I suppose you are implying that all black folks got no values??

I am a white man married to a black woman, , been married for 7 years this year ,and been with her for 11 years.

Before her I have dated and fucked many of bitches both white and black probably about equal amount each. And trust me its as easy to fuck some white girls as is blacks.

Pussy is just that. All bitches today are slingin the stinky pinky equally.

My wife used to point out when stats like that would be stated , and like many others on here I thought she was just being full of shit. But it is stereotypical bullshit. I am part of a black family and know the real deal of both black and white and there is no difference in bitches / ho’s from one to the other . THEY ALL LIKE TO FUCK!!!