
I actually posted a video but you missed it.

I’m sorry I can’t compete with your canadian tire paint job.

Cuz you know I’m stoked at posting as many pictures of my car being parked as possible.

Translation: I don’t care, you’ve boggled my mind. Insulting my car’s fenders (LOL!) while you repainted the whole car with krylon canadian tire paint… plus does it make you feel better inside that you are insulting someone else’s car and feeling like your car is better? No, you excuse yourself as stating “it’s temporary”, but when I say my fenders are going to get replaced, nope, bring on the barrage of childish insults because ahmed’s car is so crappy and the whole world must hear the mighty speech about the bad fenders.

You fail hard at flame baiting me and then posting pictures of your ‘repainted’ car which turned out crap only to hypocritically state it’s temporary.