
Haha mark’s ugly

Who the hell is this Ahmed guy?

What did he do to get hated by everyone so much in the first place lol

^^ read the title, thats his name.
Ahmed is full retard. and a jackass.

i say i.p. ban him

Uh huh.

More like you’re still hurt from me calling you out years ago.

I still remember how you went under “someone” elses SON username to try to threaten me. lol.

Saying OLD or repost isn’t bitching.

oh i’ve seen worse, cough ziptied cough

For everyone saying to “IP” ban him; it’s impossible to “IP” ban him if he doesn’t have a static IP.

Although I’m with you all…ban his current name. I’m sure we’ll find him again, and then ban again.

so im with this girl one night and she asked if i down with anal sex, i said its ok but it makes my ass hurt , now everytime i see her it feels akward, what should i do? more lube?

To be honest, I miss that

Why do you pick a fight(Always on the internet and never face 2 face) with everyone? Has it ever occured to you that maybe the 5000000 people that hate you are not the problem but you are?

I understand now why your ok with ahmed. Your just like him but the asian edition. Kind of like a JDM ahmed.

fobwall may be and asshole, but he’s muy kinda asshole. im one of the most confrontational people on this site and we seem to jive very well

my .02


Man up and take it dry…:idhitit:


u just like him cuz hes got no facial hair, no testicle ticklers

I like to think of myself as an asshole, and as a fellow asshole I would to thank farmer and fobwall for the many laughs I get from them on a regular basis.

+1 for each of you


Actually I dont pick fights. People pick fights with me randomly and I have fobwall to thank for that although we are at peace now because well its just stupid. He has actually matured if you havent noticed his posting habits have changed. He doesnt just talk shit about every jack smith and harry joe as he used to. And unlike some of you he’s had the honor to acquaint with me three times in real life LOL.

And… he doesnt say old to everything everyone posts anymore lol.


I also like to think of Fobwall, farmer and skinny as all being assholes.

Fobwall likes birds.

multisyncg sold me a mint S13 steering wheel for 20 bucks when I first got my car. He was doing an sr swap at the time. Do not ask me how this is relevant.

Ahmed is awesome, he’s an honest person, he has done nothing wrong initially. He is always attacked, and then he loses his “maturity” afterwards. He makes useful posts, he posts entertaining videos. He’s a mature person and has a wider scope on S-chassis cars than most people here. He is a bit of an egotistical shit spewer, but that’s not a reason to ban someone.

We should ban dishonest fuckers who screw you over and then don’t admit it. You all know who I’m talking about. We should, as a community, do our best to expose these people and post our experiences in dealing with them so it doesn’t happen to others. I posted my “engine rebuild” shit here…not to bitch, but to keep others wary of 240coupe.

I like turtles.

Sorry, I’m drunk, and I miss my 240. I’m getting assraped in Mech. Engineering at Waterloo. We’re going to Mosport at 5am on Saturday to race our formula SAE race car. SCHWEEEEET!!

Hey… just checking in… did ahmed ever post up pics of his car?


I actually posted a video but you missed it.

I’m sorry I can’t compete with your canadian tire paint job.

Cuz you know I’m stoked at posting as many pictures of my car being parked as possible.

Translation: I don’t care, you’ve boggled my mind. Insulting my car’s fenders (LOL!) while you repainted the whole car with krylon canadian tire paint… plus does it make you feel better inside that you are insulting someone else’s car and feeling like your car is better? No, you excuse yourself as stating “it’s temporary”, but when I say my fenders are going to get replaced, nope, bring on the barrage of childish insults because ahmed’s car is so crappy and the whole world must hear the mighty speech about the bad fenders.

You fail hard at flame baiting me and then posting pictures of your ‘repainted’ car which turned out crap only to hypocritically state it’s temporary.

I never said anything about temporary! it’ll probably stay the duration that I own the car. I love this paint.

I’m just saying…