Administration bans deep water drilling while other countries expand.

There is obviously ZERO accountability in the safety procedures if a guy just takes the drillers word for the so-called “third test”. The article certainly makes it seem like he got down to the the drilling platform and the workers told them they did it and it looked good, even though the pressure gauges never moved a single bit.

He didn’t double check anything?
No report on the numbers that came back?
Nothing in writing?

Come on now. There are human lives and a MASSIVE ecosystem at stake, and the best you have, is word of mouth? GTFO with that shit. There needs to be a STRICT formal process.

Democrats and hippies, thats why.

Good to see Jay has gone from the pragmatic, common sense view on this issue to the Republican party line in about a month :tup: Perhaps you guys would like to join that idiot Congressman in apologizing to BP as well because Obama is mean to them?