Any way to find these fags name?949-0090 is their #

actually it is against the law its called theft of service and is the same as ditching a bill. the cops will probably give them a warning if its the first time, i would report it thogh cuz if they have done it before they will get more then a talking to. i used to work at a pizzeria and got this shit all the time the owner was real tight with his money and friends with the cops so he had a few people actually arrested and charged.

lol. kids are retarded. i have the perfect free pizza scheme, but im not going to post it bc i would be fucking heated if somone did it to me

i had tracking devices on my computer but i just recently cleaned everything off of it… ill see what i can do.

I would post that number all over the place. personal ads, for sale dildo ads craigslist, public phone booths etc…

just have numerous people call the police and say that the people from this number are calling non stop. donno if it’ll help

inb4 someone posts it on craigslist m4m.

ILC should add the number to that hdate profile.

If its a kids cell number… See if the police will just run and give them a little scare. Obviously there isn’t much that they can do. I’m sure they will never prank ya again lol.

I don’t like the point about “there were more words exchanged” You should have just been polite and called it a day. They are pranking you to get a rise out of you. If you don’t respond to it then whats the fun in pranking you.

Like Just Karter said. Make a Craigslist add. “I’m moving out of town and my GF said I cant take my porn collection with me. I’d hate to throw it all away so Its free to whom ever claims it first. Here is my number - ###-#### Call me and we’ll meet up”

That person will have soo many calls!

ahahahahaha i would totally do this! craigslist ftw!

Are you blind,they wanted me to deliver a BLOWJOB.


Like what was said it happens all the time. My good friend works for a pizza place, happened to them once, they gave a cop the # (Since the cops are the all the time) he found out the address, cop said dont do anthing stupid.

Well my buddy got arested for going to the kids house and broke his nose.

So good luck and dont do anything stupid.

Put the number on craigslist…with DVD porn for sale…

Ooooo I so want to do this.

EDIT: Just say the word.

“The Word”


Shitty derrick, hope everything works out for ya man



dooooo it

Oh geez… I have an Idea for a craigslist ad but i’m sure I’ll get warning points for racism…

haha those are good ideas

sorry to hear you took a hit, i work for a pizzeria too and i know the closing feeling… you have their number though so if you cant find anything out, do what you can with it ^^^

Ya, its def against the law., Its also against the law to prank anyone, especially a place of business.

Hope you stick it to em D.

I need to get my fucking om nom nom ON on your fingers. UGHHH

While I appreciate the support You can all rest assured I’m not stupid enough to go to some kids house get arrested.As I always say,“My hands are always clean and always will be”
Like said above pranks are one thing,me coming to your house to suck your dick is a whole other ballgame.I treat everyone with much respect,usually too much and expect the same.It’s a small Island, shouldn’t be too hard to find out.
And that craigslist idea is hilarious