Ban List

What we are doing is removing the problem, I wish we had a lot of these controls and policies in place before hand because if we did we’d have a better reputation. Unfortunatly people get burned out by trying to help SON users/members because most questions asked have been covered in the past. Moderators/Admins try and clean up the technical section but we also get burned out from moderating users lack of respect and general lazyness.

I do appreciate your candor but at this point I’ll have to close this conversation as you’re not being productive or conducive to any solution.

We’ve straightened out a few members by banning, locking theads as well as discussions via pm. It’s our intention to keep FS threads clean, we want to protect the marketplace as this is a facility that we (SON members) enjoy.

If you don’t appreciate the time and effort put in by the admins and moderators, then you need to make a choice. Remain apathetic or help out.