welcome back solarion

yeah he requested to be unbanned



lol he was banned?

he banned himself

Solarian who?

Welcome back haha!

go away n00b

self banning is pretty funny

Hopefully you didn’t unban “Solarion”

Aww… a thread for me :oops:
Yea, I was supposed to wait till exams are done, but I needed parts. This forum is too addictive lol… I’m browsing now instead of sleeping like I should be. Well, hopefully I’ll be able to grab the part I need tommorow, and have the car up and running by May. That’d be wicked.
And booo to Nutta for disrespecting me :stuck_out_tongue: And here I thought I was your nigga :lol:

I’m playing, you still mah boo.

And i will ban you when exams come around.

Hahahaha! Awesome :smiley: Now if only I used all that extra time to study…