BBQ / Football / Bon Fire

What a day that was… until i found out 2 cases later that i had a game :kekegay:

Sounds good. How about some chili, too?

If it is okay with everyone I would be interested, I only know a few people from the forum but I would be interested in meeting new car guys.

hell yeah… everyone is welcome to attend…

any ideas on where we can do this yet?

where would most people be coming from

anywhere but North Park please :slight_smile:

Who has a decent amount of land we could have a fire on?


whitey i am down. i want another football game damnit. hell ill even play bare foot again. (depending on how cold it is) give me a date and ill be there.

Ya…ur old news when it comes to PS football:idb:

don better be there to make corn. How about mars pa? My uncle has 25 acres up there and theres plenty of room for cars and football and Im sure we could do a fire

Stephanie turns 1 year on October 23… he’s only permitted to go if he helps me clean up for her party before hand,

Someone with a Farm or alot of property is probably the best way to go… I don’t think we have enough room…

thats why I suggested my uncles place. There really is a ton of room up there

You should ask first…

then you wouldn’t get that :wtf: look that we are going for. It would be awesome for 40 cars to just show up one saturday and make a huge fire on your property. :smiley:

Call him asap, and then give me a call! I want to start planning this right now!

That would be an awesome get together. When I live in TN we used to have HUGE parties out in the fields…it was great!..well from what I remember :wink:

im in for mars!

You know i am :slight_smile: