Beat the caption! ***WINNER POST #97***

Setting: This is a picture from the other thread about the particle accelerator hadron collider thing they’re about to fire up. Those guys are somewhere in that facility.

Come up with your best caption! Winner gets a custom title or custom title of their choice for the NYSpeed member of their choice. Bonus points for photochopping.

Thanks for the time-sink. Work was getting a little stagnant!

I can be the sandman too?


you are no longer allowed to compete.

Slow, look, lean, roll, extinguish.


what is the time limit?

i need to do this on lunch at 1

If I had photochop (and knew how to use it) I’d put in thought bubbles and a couple of music notes “…tryin to catch me ridin dirty…”

I leave work at 4:45pm. :awdrifter:

you’re retarded, did you not watch Spiderman?

-karma…comment too obscure.

Nothing like having full protective gear including helmet and breathing apparatus and…oops…forgot my gloves at home. Oh well.

Monica Lewinsky, years after the Clinton administration finally pursues her dream of fire-fighting, only to discover that she’s still apparently spending time on her knees.


I’m working til 9 tonight…

so, lets say 7pm.

“Versonnex - Now hosting the amatuer “GhostBusters of America” family fun park where you too can imagine you are a ghostbuster. Just remember, its BYOGBU: Bring Your Own Ghost Busters Uniform”


no I did not.

:word: +karma

“Johnny always wanted to fight fires but his dream was extinquished when he was demoted to the Ass Fire Brigade for Taco Bell, riding around the sewer tunnels under Taco Bell restaurants firing foaming ass relief up through the pipes to unwary customers.”

Then more than obvious why you’re clueless with what I said. What kind of mod doesn’t know everything!!!

here is your DQ :buickgn: