BMW seven-fourty-fiz-eye *BMW fagz come in*

hmm… I happen to like Infinitis and find them very reliable, but alright lol.

It’s sad that the previous owner did not give a FUCK about the car and would beat the living shit out of it everyday :rofl

my brother in-law had a M35x just like yours Ilya, I will say that the seats are comfy as they can be but after a few days I felt like i was driving a overpriced Maxima,nothing special. he traded that in for a 535i and never looked back

^^ lol. Over priced Maxima? Dude, I HAD 2 Maximas. I drove Maximas for 5 years. This is far from a Maxima. Not even close.

It’s clear as day none of you know anything about my car. That’s fine. My brother has an 08 TL and it’s not even like the TL. Totally different level of cars.

Enjoy your German cars, I’ll enjoy my Japanese. I rather spend $30k (used of course) on my car and then just have to do scheduled maintenance on it as opposed to spending $30k on it and constantly have it looked at for stupid crap. Just about all of my Russian guy friends are BMW/Audi nuts and I am the ONLY one who never has problems with his car.

Also, Peter. Since when are japs habibs? Habibs are people from the middle east. :rofl

I’m all for Acura and a lot of their cars, including the TL, but I’ve driven an '05 TL and a brand new '10 TL and can say that although very nice and classy, not even the same level luxury as what they’re trying to compete with.
I’ll spend $20-$25k on a used early '00’s M5 before I would even think about dropping that much on an Infiniti or Acura of the same year.

This is my opinion. If Infiniti never advertised that they were made by Nissan and they were there own “Luxury” vehicle manufacturer they would be alot more popular. To everyone talking shit about Infinity, have you guys ever been in one? have you driven one? Was it a base peice of garbage or was it a tech package? Base Audis and BMWs are nothing to brag about either to be honest, if my bmw e90 didnt have a big ass wide screen with navigation and an idrive and just a regular non lcd screen radio I wouldnt be as happy with it either… My friends 06 Audi still has a fucking tape player bro, shit looks like its made in 99"… Tech package Infinitis are no joke guys, lcd screens are nice and bright, the old ones popped out like some James bond shit, Navigation is flawless, back up camera is uncomparable, some have the lane assist where it beeps if your not in the middle of the lane on the highway which is awesome, the new tech packages have FOUR fucking cameras around the entire vehicle so you can see EVERY angle of the car, heated AND air conditioned seats which by the way dont fade or crack and look like shit after a yr of use like every bmw I’ve ever driven in my life and so much more. The all wheel drive systems are insane as well and I’v never hesitated to floor the fucking gas whether a 90 degree summer day or with 2 feet of snow on the ground scared im gonna loose control. Infinitis are dope.

I drove a Bently coupe, it was alright i guess…

Had to add one more feature about Infinitis that I fucking MISS so bad! I go out to my bmw the other day carrying a bunch of shit in my hand and my keys in my pocket. Newer infinitys have a rubber button on the door where you can just push it and if your key located anywhere near your body it will detect it and open the door…you can then get into your car and the push button start does the same thing!! Keys in your back pocket? No problem, push the push button start and it will detect it and start your car anyway. My bmw I have to put my key in the ignition and THEN push the push button start… This is also an AWESOME feature if you lock your keys in your car…

Fuck, all this talk, im about to sell my e90 and grab a g37!! lol

My uncle had an '09 M45x that I drove for a few hours one day to run errands for him and it was absolutely nothing special. Felt like any old new car, you can just tell the engineering is just steps below that of BMW or Audi, interior wise.

I agree. They are literally not worth the money IMO

illya , you clearly dont get it man, you have a nice car for what it is but not on the same level as the german train wrecks you speak of

I’m sorry…but the TL is not on the same level as the M. It’s a competitor of the G. RL is getting close, but the RL still isn’t as nice as you’d think a flagship would be.

The M is nothing like the G. Or any other car Nissan makes. It’s quick for it’s size, handles almost as good as my Maxima (once I figured out the car - it surprises me sometimes - a Maxima which was dropped and with suspension components replaced with better parts), and it’s technologically advanced. Not sure what there is to NOT like about the car.

I don’t see anything a BMW or Audi has that makes it any better than my car. I have or can have any feature those cars have or can have.

Hence…why I say the order in this way (added a few cars from the last time I posted ‘my order’).

[LS > A8 > Panamera > M > 7 Series > S Class] > everything else. Notice the …they are so close it’s hard to call. They all have their pro’s and con’s…but I think the only car that you could honestly say is head and shoulders above the rest is the LS. Nothing matches that car in looks or refinement/toys. The rest of them are all pretty close. Big, quick for their size, lots of toys, etc.

so you are gonna sit there and honestly say your car is > better than an S class or 7 series of the same year

:lol really? thats prettttttty biased LOL

it looks like an altima man

I just don’t understand people. I know a kid who bought a 09 g37xS or w/e, and he paid well into the 40s for it. Jesus. Like whyyyyyyyyyyyyy would you not buy a BN s4 instead. Just say it outloud right now plz…Infinity… or AUDI. Whatever. just my opinion. The ladies know whats good :rofl

When I was in middle school this girl hated me so much no matter if my shit was better or not she would say it was worse… Me and my friend both made seperate paintings and argued whos was better… I told my friend wait, lets swap and THEN ask her… Of course just like I thought, she said MY painting which was in my friends hand was better.

The point of that gay story was, if the 2011 fx35 had a BMW or Audi tag on it you’d probably say it was awesome lol

…Funny thing is, I DRIVE a bmw, two of them… My love for Infinitis will never die tho :confused:

Maybe the owner of the g wanted to actually DRIVE his car without having to replace a turbo every 6k miles :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

Haha. Im saying a BRAND NEW S4. Not my style. Im talking the warrentied joint homie.

I’m not saying it’s better. I’m saying it’s as good if not just a bit better depending on what feature/facet of the car you’re looking at. Does the 7-series look better than my M? Yes. But does it have a lot of stuff that my M can only dream of? Nope. See my prior post. Besides the LS, I think they rest of the flagship models are too close to say one is CLEARLY better than the other. List off some things as to why you think BMW is better and I will try to compete lol.

By the time you add all the things that are standard on the G to any german car, you’ll be in the 40’s too. Everything on German cars is basic. All that other stuff is optional.

Acura? Everything is pretty much standard. Infiniti? Same. Etc. Lexus, there is 3 packages…not 30.

German cars will end up costing you more equipped the same way. Because you’re paying for the name (as those companies have been around longer and have more of a reputation). It takes time to build up that kind of following and I sure as hell am a fan of Lexus/Infiniti.

illya is this true? can u attest?

brand new s4’s have mechanical turbochargers

Aahhh, warranteed… Idk, maybe he’s like me, doesnt buy a car becuase of the warrantee. They say the same thing about the 7 series BMW, hottest car on the planet until the warrantees up lol… Although I never keep any of my cars lol, I buy all of them as if im gonna have them far after there is no longer a warrantee… I’ve actually NOT had a warrentee on almost all of my cars now that I think of it lol.