Bright and shining examples of society... Fo' real!

I’m sick of all the pessimism, cynicism, negativity, and general bad news. I’m usually caught up in it myself.

It’s time for some optimism. Post up stories, news articles, and other anecdotes that do a little bit to preserve my faith in the human race.

Here’s one: Geniuses who will change your life. Article about some of the greatest scienctists of our times, and what they’re doing for the world.

someone didn’t take their prozac this morning?

Get that cuddly “Save the world” bullshit out of here. No one wants to read that.

Some of the things are pretty cool though.



the commercial makes all these people look happy. :krazyjon:

Or, Biel always works too…

oh, and there is a WOOT-OFF going on!!

How about this one:

Guy gets out of jail early, almost chokes a woman to death, then takes her 5 year old daughter and tosses her to the gators in alligator alley. The kid was alive when the alligators attacked her, crushed her skull, and ripped her arm off.

Not what you were looking for huh?

^c’mon, you’re not even trying…

lol more like I did take it. And +karma to you for the ass pic. Definitely makes me glad to be alive. :tup:

Hm, I looked on the BBC to find something of this sort, but couldn’t. :frowning:

Eh, I can agree, being surrounded by haters and negativity all day can really make you feel like a piece of shit inside.

:word: I’ve gotten way too cynical lately. Time for a paradigm shift.

It’s tough to find news articles. Tragedies get attention, not good stuff.

Shut the fuck up don!

Bump! The world is not crumbling! Good things are happening!

Israel begins releasing Palestinian prisoners:

Tobacco tax money put towards child health care:,8599,1645106,00.html?xid=rss-topstories

I’m eligible for an additional middle class STAR rebate:

The police are trying to get to the bottom of what happened in the pit/child sodomy case, not just chalking it up to another dangerous pit bull. Plus over 20 people have called in asking to adopt it. Hopefully not just freaks looking for a dog that’ll fuck them in the ass.

see a couple beers last night and you’re a happy camper!

:jam: :wiggle: :smiley:

ok… this is what I see

story one…

they release the prisoners… and they will eventually put bombs on themselves and blow people up

story two…

the tobacco money is so children can grow up to be big and strong, and buy more cigarettes and get cancer…

story three…

i have no idea…

story four…

1 person was michael vick and the other 19+ were his friends

:lol: :lol:

Let me help you on that one.

NYS overtaxed you about 30% compared to other states, but they’re going to give you 2% back, and people love it. :wtf:

see… its alll good news lol