Bright and shining examples of society..

im gonna start a new thread to whomever wants to post when they see a nice news story or know of one that shows an example of lifes lil gems out there…

starting with this prodigy…

JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla. – Jacksonville police made a disturbing discovery after arresting a Jacksonville Beach mother on a DUI charge.

Police said the woman was driving with her two children in the back seat, which was covered with trash and cockroaches.

Investigators said 44-year-old Tammie Nava’s blood-alcohol count was nearly twice the legal limit for DUI.

Police said more than 100 roaches were crawling all over Nava’s Ford Mustang and that amid the trash, open food containers and alcohol bottles was a 1-year-old child and a 3-year-old child.

“They were soaked and covered in urine and their own feces, and there were cockroaches all over the car. The officer says when he reached in to unbuckle the child, three roaches ran across his hand – they were just everywhere,” said Jacksonville Beach police Sgt. Thomas Bingham.

Investigators said the situation was unhealthy and wouldn’t have been discovered if Nava had not been visibly drunk and swerving behind the wheel.

Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office booking photo of Tammie Nava.

According to officers, Nava hit a median and swerved into another lane. The officers said when they approached the car, they the could smell alcohol on the suspect’s breath and that she held onto the car door to get out.

After she was arrested, officers saw the two kids in the back seat.

“You can understand if somebody wants to let themselves deteriorate, but when they do this to their children and make their children suffer, that’s unexplainable,” Bingham said.

Nava’s neighbor told Channel 4 that there must be an explanation for Nava’s behavior.

“Being a single mom and all she works. She’s a nurse. She’s pretty responsible. I’m really surprised,” the neighbor said.

The children found in the back of the car are in the care of their grandfather.

holy idiot, poor kids

I hope no one learns anything from this man…

MIAMI, Florida (AP) – A man who had been released from prison early for good behavior was convicted Tuesday of trying to kill a young mother and leaving her 5-year-old daughter to be eaten alive by alligators in the Everglades.

Harrel Franklin Braddy had befriended Shandelle Maycock and her daughter Quatisha. Maycock testified that Braddy went to her home in November 1998 and grew enraged when she asked him to leave.

He choked Maycock until she was unconscious and then forced her and Quatisha into his car, the woman testified. At one point, Maycock gained consciousness, grabbed the child and jumped out of the moving vehicle.

Braddy stopped, choked the woman again and put her in the trunk, she testified. Maycock never saw her daughter again. Prosecutors said Braddy then drove to a section of Interstate 75 in the Everglades known as Alligator Alley and dropped Quatisha in the water beside the road.

She was alive when alligators bit her on the head and stomach, a medical examiner said.

Authorities found the girl’s body two days later, her left arm missing and her skull crushed, prosecutors said. Maycock woke up bleeding and disoriented in a cane field miles from her Miami-Dade County home.

Braddy had served 13 years of a 30-year prison sentence for attempted murder before being released early for good behavior.

The trial had been delayed for nearly nine years because Braddy has fired several attorneys and represented himself at one point. His attorney, G.P. Della Feram, declined to comment.

A dozen law enforcement officers stood guard, aware that Braddy has escaped from the courthouse before. He fled after trying to strangle a Miami-Dade corrections officer in 1984.

Braddy was convicted of seven counts including first-degree murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, burglary and escape. He faces the death penalty.

o man “He choked Maycock”


He faces the death penalty.


and i hope he gets it… they should choke HIM and feed him to aligators…

anyone else notice the FL connection here


o man “He choked Maycock”



How about these sick fucks?

Teen Girls Accused Of Setting Kitten Ablaze

POSTED: 3:41 pm PDT July 18, 2007
UPDATED: 8:01 pm PDT July 18, 2007

COTATI, Calif. – A three-month-old kitten is fighting for his life after allegedly being set afire by two teenage girls last week.

The male shorthaired kitten, named Adam, received second- and third-degree burns over 75 percent of its body and was being treated at the Animal Hospital in Cotati, located in Northern California’s Sonoma County, officials said.

The kitten has undergone two surgeries and had its tail and the tips of its ears amputated.

Two girls have been charged with cruelty to animals in connection with the case. They were arrested last Friday after allegedly pouring flammable liquid on the cat, only 8 weeks old at the time and setting it on fire.

A boy and his friend said they saw the smoke and heard the cat shrieking while the girls laughed.

The girls are being held in Sonoma County’s Juvenile Hall. The maximum penalty carried by the charges against them is three years of confinement.
Copyright 2007 by

The Associated Press contributed to this report. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


WHy would someone do that to a defenseless animal?

I really sometimes wish that it was legal that the punishment equaled the crime.

Light those sicks fucks on fire and se how they like it.

How can you have this thread without:



WHy would someone do that to a defenseless animal?

I really sometimes wish that it was legal that the punishment equaled the crime.

Light those sicks fucks on fire and se how they like it.


Thinking the exact same thing.


She was alive when alligators bit her on the head and stomach, a medical examiner said


I wish they’d gut the bastard. Go disembowelment on his ass. :tdown:

oh boy…

KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AP) – A man threw his seriously ill wife four stories to her death because he could no longer afford to pay for her medical care, prosecutors said in charging him with second-degree murder.
According to court documents filed Wednesday in Jackson County Circuit Court, Stanley Reimer walked his wife to the balcony of their apartment and kissed her before throwing her over.
The body of Criste Reimer, 47, was found Tuesday night outside the apartment building, near the upscale Country Club Plaza shopping district.
Stanley Reimer, 51, was charged Wednesday. He remained jailed on $250,000 bond and was scheduled to be arraigned Thursday.
In the probable cause statement filed with the charges, police said Reimer was desperate because he could not pay the bills for his wife’s treatment for neurological problems and uterine cancer.
Investigators said that Reimer was in the apartment when they arrived. He told them, “She didn’t jump,” but did not elaborate, they said.
Criste Reimer’s caregiver told police she could barely walk and would not have been able to climb over the railing of the balcony, according to the probable cause statement.
Reimer’s alleged motive emerged after several more hours of questioning, police said.
According to Jackson County Probate Court records, Criste Reimer had been in ill health for several years. Her weight had fallen to 75 pounds and she was partly blind.
According to the court records, she had no health insurance to pay for medical bills that ranged from $700 to $800 per week.
The Probate Court documents were filed in April, when Stanley Reimer petitioned to be allowed to sell personal property his wife owned in Wheeler County, Texas, for $20,000.
The documents listed her assets at approximately $6,700, with monthly income of $725 from oil royalties and Supplemental Security Income.

this thread is great :slight_smile: lols

this thread is pissing me off