EDIT: Apology withdrawn...

You are NOT all heartless assholes, despite public belief. Thank you for showing some mercy tonight. I wouldn’t usually feel compelled to post this but last year i bashed the same town’s police for their unnecessary force exhibited against me, and tonight the score was evened. Thank you sir…i appreciate not being put in cuffs

you obviously posted this so someone would ask you to explain your extravagant story, so you may as well get on with it

care-o-meter is at 0

Bill, take me to the station tomorrow to pick up my keys and I’ll tell you the whole entertaining story on the way from my house to the station to get my keys, then more of it from the station to where my car currently sits over mighty taco, on me

sounds like someone got out of a dwi…

They serve beer at Mighty?




ahh they used too…those were the days

Stupid drunk pollock.

this thread could use some info. just seems a little pointless without the story.

My guess is it sounds like either got out of a DWI/DUI, or had some registration/license issue. Only 2 things I can see a “cool” cop letting someone ditch their car somewhere.

Especially seeing I had the 2nd one; DMV screwup, and the cop let me park the car and he took the plates; he was supposed to arrest me, but let me go with a must-appear ticket.

it’s a DUI and you suck unless details are posted.

youre a fucking lush

I hate when people do this

Cheektowaga cops arnt complete cocksmokers? this is news to me.

I know a Cheektowaga cop very well … he gives good money at christmas and my birthdays :gotme:

omg i have to tell u something!

ah, na nvm

cops give you money (as an adult) on your birthday?

LOL he does … its only $25 but still

so by good money you mean, “not fake”? lol…