Faith in Humanity Restored

I figured we could reserve a thread for people doing good things.

SF Morphs Into Gotham City for “Batkid” Battling Leukemia

The 12,000 volunteers who donned superhero capes and morphed San Francisco into Gotham City today can’t make sure a California boy will stay clear of leukemia for the rest of his life.
But, in handing the 5-year-old the key to the city, they can sure give him every boy’s dream come true for a few hours and a memory for a lifetime.


Saw this on tv the other day . This is how the news should be; positive things rather than death and murder. That kid rules.


That is awesome! He must of had a blast!

Good to hear news like this. Wish it were more often.


Unfortunately it is only a “great” thing because it is the exception when it comes to the news.

If this was everyday, we as a society would become complacent with the positive stories and complain that we shouldnt sugar coat everything.

I think it is great but it would not sell on the news because it doesnt create political discussion or debate…its just great and noone can argue great…unless they are a total dick.

Superman was cooler.

Isn’t that what you’re doing?

No…I just think that its the reason we dont see more positive news on the regular.

They call them feelgood pieces for a reason.

No he isn’t dude

If this kid really wants to be batman we should kill his parents.

Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk


National news story on channel 4. Was pretty cool. Nice kid.

National news story on channel 4. Was pretty cool. Nice kid.

Bat dad made me LOL

Batdad was terrific.

Great set of pictures about this on thechive this morning.