New Orleans... ideas

Just a few comments I was sharing with the guys here at work…

Leave the able bodied people on the roofs to fend for themselves.
Leave the looters alone, all that crap was going to be flooded anyways.
Get all those lazy bastards in the Super Dome out to help others. If your ass is stranded somewhere, swim to one of those boats that still work and start picking up some of your buddies. Don’t sit on the roof all alone waiting for the chopper to swing by and pick you up. Do something productive.

If you are alone on a roof, and the roof next to you has people on it, swim over there. No reaso nfor the chopper to make multiple stops. Use it like a bus stop.

I just think there are way too many people in decent shape sitting on their asses and letting volunteers do all the hard work. Fuck that. Become a volunteer and go do something with your life. Not like you have anything else to do.

I’m still a little confused on the looting. Are material possesions so important that we have people stopping them instead of helping good people? How are you going to punish someone, who now, has nothing to lose. Once that city gets power, and TV that didn’t get wet is worth more than its weight in gold. That dude is smart. They should be looting food and not electronics, but not everyone has common sense.

If you were in that situation would you be looting?

I probably would. I would be looting for food and supplies. I’m a survivor. These things of course were going to be flooded or rotten if left in the water anyways… so grab it and don’t let it go to waste. I would not be in that Super Dome. And why the hell do they have security in that dome? Are people so fucking stupid that they can’t behave when thousands of lives are on the line? You would think it would be self secured… if some dumbass acts up and steals something, or assults someone, the 10 good people around him kill his dumbass. And by kill I mean end his/her life. Its people like him that are making security stay there and aren’t out saving valuable lives. After 1 or 2 bad guys are dead, they will learn their lesson… don’t fuck up.
I also think the prisoners should be doing something constructive. Not sitting around. There are sandbags to be filled, bodies to be recovered. Let the inmates pick up the swollen, bloated bodies of the dead. PUT THEM TO WORK.

When did You move to Utopia?

I was expecting a better response… you best edit dat shit and make it worth reading :stuck_out_tongue:

well, swimming anywhere may not be an option…currents are probably pretty strong and may carry you away if your not a champion swimmer like me. I could swim laps around that city with my eyes closed. I could have also stopped the flooding simply by focusing my energy on the break wall…too bad the power went out before they could light the “cheater signal”.

next, finding a boat may not be as easy as you think…let alone getting it to run. But yea, I would probably try to find some kind of boat, even though I am a champion swimmer as stated above, I just dont like my dick shrinking in cold water.

As for looting, I would steal fishing equipment and beer. Give a man a soggy egg sandwich from a flooded hess station he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he’ll be drunk as shit.

Now I would like to apologize to everyone for, depending on reading skills, however much time of your life I juist wasted.


What kind of swimmer are you?

Finding a boat won’t be easy for a lot of people, but a lot of the footage I have seen shows boats within feet of the house the helicopter is hovering over… these don’t have to be motor boats… a simple paddle boat would do the trick. Actually the current isn’t so bad… all the footage shows the water is still… so swim fuckers, swim.

I’d like to hop into one of those massive yachts that is just sitting there… chill there for a little bit. If it doesn’t start, at least your on a pimp boat.

too late nao…

Swimming from house to house? Have You seen the arial (sp) footage of the oil, grease, and sewage slicks? No thanks. While this was a good idea, there isn’t a very good way to execute it. Not to mention, I can imagine the lame ‘I don’t want to die a virgin’ lines that would be a result of that plan.

Looters are looters, it’s basic human nature (the current version of it). While I don’t condone it from up here (2nd floor office), I’d sure as shit be all up in it to win it (if I were in LA.). Fuck TV’s, Water & rice is where it’s at. Potable water is an obvious need. Rice can be soaked until it’s more easily edible (sans heat). Mind You, if I was running past a jewelers with a 3’ diamond in the window, I’d try to make room for it in my satchel.

You’re a self-proclaimed survivor? But You want everyone else to pitch in to help everyone else? Survivors, in my eyes, are lone wolfs who will guard their rice sack, not spill it for any old & sick flood victim. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can only imagine if a situation such as this were to occur in The WNY area. The people of Buffalo may suck as a whole and get shafted more times then Pat Robertson can say “Praise Him”, but god damnnit, when it come’s down to it We tend to band together; fight the good fight; help a neighbor; push an ambulance all the way to the Bflo Gen Hospital from the 33 in a wicked snowstorm when nothing else is moving… that sucked But I’d sure as shit do it again.

i can only hope that the people of New Orleans and other devistated area will band together as most decent people do. But You have to realize how distrought they prolly are right now, it’s hard to accept that You have just lost everything that You’ve ever known. Also, it takes time for leaders to emerge in times such as these, it’s takes alot of courage to step up and start telling other victims what to do, whats best, and whats needed to survive the next couple of days.

Furthermore, this isnt like a terrorist attack, or a tsunami. These people had days of warning at least; not accounting the past few generations of historical data. So You have to figure, the “smart” or “resonable” folks saw a CATEGORY 5 hurricane and bolted early. Now, who do You have left to lead the charge? Toursist, die-hards, and elderly. Which of those groups do You see rallying all of the other victims?

That better, P00key? :heart:


wait’s for Jack tee hee

Thanks. Thats exactly what I needed.

I think swimming in shitty water would be the least of my worries.

If I was still getting a check from my job… like LTI, I would go downthere and help. I’m not really willing to make a financial donation because people shouldn’t be paid to help. Rescue choppers shouldn’t have to pay for gas. Those who were bunkered down by choice should have to pay a massive fine to be rescued. They are endangering lives, other than their own during those rescues…

I dunno… I’m not living it. I don’t know how it is.

You better believe I’d be helping you push that Ambulance through the snow though… I was late for christmas for helping a family of 4 out of a ditch… and I blew up my truck helping another family the following year… I’m a pretty good samaritan when it comes down to it, and I actually like helping others.

that water is full of chemicals and POOOOOOOOP

on a side note, I filled out a volunteer application for the Red Cross to be on the Disaster Relief Team… we’ll see what happens.

I’m convinced there are some increadibly stupid and ignorant people in New Orleans.

hmm maybe they should have listened to the mandatory evacuation order, and been slightly concerned when all the experts said your city will flood and you
might die if you stay.


The news also said a bunch of alligators and snakes are now living in the city

Jack - what You needed? :gotme:

Swimming through shitty waters shouldnt be necessary as yet. The fools who bunkered down have only been on roof tops for what? 36 hours? they have at least one more day before they NEED to panic. Physically anyways. At that point they should stop being concerned about getting ill from swimming through raw sewage.

I absolutly agree on the rescue fine for them as well, all things considered. LoL, best Idea in thread so far. :slight_smile:

Rescue equipment should not have to worry about fuel or anything either, but the fact is that they DO. That’s why I donated $100 to the effort, cause I know some people will sit back and bitch from their high-horses about the principle, but do nothing (see sig). Not anyone in particular, just that it seems this is the American Way. Sadly.

Jack - I’m not saying that You’re a poor samaritan, I was trying to point out the difference between ‘just surviving’ and ‘victims turned volunteer’. IMO. I do believe that You would’ve helped us out that night (based on internet posts), hell if You drove a Tacoma in the winter of '99, it might’ve been You for all I know.

Honestly, I expected better debate fodder then that though, :frowning:

Now what am I gonna do to pass time?

:tup: BTW.


heres a cool fucking idea…dont build a city next to the ocean UNDER SEA LEVEL! fucking retards wounder why it floods.

1st off, keep these type of posts to yourself. If everyone made comments like this all the time, i’d be at your house telling your mother ‘here’s a cool fucking idea, dont drink and smoke weed while you are pregnant!’ and you wonder why people think you say a lot of stupid shit

2ndly, man not everyone is capable of evacuating, some people may not have anywhere to go, any way of going anywhere, or have other reasons for not leaving. there is a good possibility people who stayed in new orleans understood the risks of doing so but chose to stay anyways. maybe some crazy people stayed in order to try and help or whatever. im not saying there arent people who ignored all the advance warnings, because im sure there are, but people also stayed because they had no other choice

lastly, i think the whole scenario is a horrible tragedy, not because of the miles of oil refinerys that were hit, or for any economical reason, but because thousands upon thousands of people and families are immediately forced to deal with a rediculously abominable situation. it’s going to take a lot of effort and time for the area to recover, and there are possibilities it won’t… but if i could, i’d go down and help. i’ve donated money because i feel its the absolute least i can do. obvioulsy going down and helping rebuild a home or pulling a family out of the drenches is more important than a measly 50 dollars, but thats not an option for me

I’m back from lunch now… I see gas prices are rising around WNY…

My fear is that my donation no matter how big or small will be wasted. How are we to know exactly where that money is going? There are many relief funds popping up… who knows which one is best? By best, I mean I want to choose where and to whom my money goes. Obviously you guys trust those funds to do what is best… but obviously I have different views than the people in charge.

Keep the comments coming, and please update me with any news as it becomes available. I’m not really concerned about death count. I was thinking about this today… their death count the last time I saw it on the news was 59 between the 3 states… More than 59 people died in NYS that day too. Probably closer to 100. I think less emphasis should be based on body recovery and more on living rescue… I think that is the case anyways… but I don’t care as much about dead poeple as I do living people./

i probably would have stuck around… just for something to do.


i would have stayed as well, for multiple reasons actually

‘i finally got all that alcohol i can’t afford’

serioulsy, if i knew my family and good friends were safe, i would have gone back / stayed. regardless if there are alligators in the streets… there are lots of good / bad things to be done :snky:

alligators are sweet. They came out of the sewers/.

Besides, alligators in the streets isnt necessarily a bad thing…I can’t think of why they are a good thing…but im sure theres a reason.

I wouldnt have stayed…f that, im a puss bag. I would have been drinkin at niagra casino as soon as I heard hurricane. but yea, if you are poverty stricken where the fuck you gonna go? the wports dome is your only option…you aint got no car so you arent leaving the state. Then you got people who truly dont understand what they are about to face and stay home.

as for donations…im cautious too…I always wonder where my money is going…people pulled fake donations for 9/11…if they would do it for that you know slime ball fuckers are gonna be coming out of the wood work for this one.


lol they didnt have to come out of the wood work during 9/11, if i remember right it was red cross who tried keeping like 90% of the donations, untill they were busted… fucking assholes

i dont know, there are two ways to view donating money to a cause. there is the first way, which is donating to help, because you feel you can help make a difference, and then there is donating so that you can feel better about yourself, and you are only doing so because you can tell others you donated

if you are the second type, just end yourself and keep your money

There are 3 types then.
1 + 2 you covered, then there is 3 where we want to support a good cause, but we don’t want to support a bad cause (theives.):tdown:

I donated for 9/11 … I have no idea where that money went. And I didn’t care. I thought we were civilized to give the money to who it had to go to. After hearing of fakes getting $$$ on the deal I didn’t fell as comfortable.

If I was in the same boat, down south, would I expect anyone to help? HELL FUCKING YES… but I’d rather have nobody recieve money, and a thief receive it. I could type forever saying the same thing and it still might not make sense. But I hope you get my point. Always my #1 choice.

Yea, I filled up both cars @ noco last night. 2.69 / gal for 87 oct.
