The governments bungling of the N.O. situation it even more embarassing than Iraq...

what an embarassment. There are people sitting down at the superdome dying and they arent doing hardly anything to help them. Armed gangs are distrupting food relief (the little that there is), dead bodies are floating everywhere and are being devoured by rats. Thousands more are just stranded. Its hell down there. Its not like this is happening in some far off place, its fucking New Orleans. Not some 3rd world country. What the fuck is everyone waiting for? Its been almost a week since the storm hit. Stupid fucking politicians. FEMA is worthless. They dont have a fucking clue whats going on. And whats up with the city of N.O. not already having a really good evacuation/contingency plan in case this happened. The stupid motherfuckers live in a goddamn hole right next to the ocean and they put up levies that are designed to hold a Cat 3 cane… so they just built it and crossed their fingers a Cat 4 or 5 never hit. Knowing full well that if one did hit, that it would completly decimate/destroy/wash away the city killing thousands. What an absolute embarassment. And then we have the audacity to call upon the world for financial help. Hmmmm… everyone in the world fucking hates up because of Iraq and our moron president. The same one that said “we will not let other nations tell us what we can and cant bomb” is now kissing ass and begging for money from the same people he ostracized. If we didnt blow 300+ billion in Iraq, we’d have plenty to aid in the relief efforts. Not to even mention the fact that Bush CUT SPENDING for the Corps of Engineers buioding the levies down there, even when they were already extremely thin because of all teh shit they are trying to rebuild in Iraq, which left them with practically nothing left to use at home. And people thought I was crazy to assume Bush would fuck all this up. :kekegay:

W '04!!!111onetwoimajew



Thank you for your manuscript but we are sorry to inform you that it does not fit our current needs at this time.

Hey that 300+ million was well spent. I mean “mission accomplished” we took out a dictator that for the most part minded his own business and installed a harmless muslim religious govt.

1 nuclear bomb would have costed a hell of alot less than 300 billion

Hey that 300+ billion was well spent. I mean “mission accomplished” we took out the dictator that we supported by giving wmd to for suspicion of having wmd. Then we replaced that dictator that mostly minded his own business and installed a harmless muslim religious govt. because we all know muslim religious governments don’t support terror.

WOW…screaming Liberal.

You forgot to add one thing…Bush created the Hurricane. :nuts:


Darkstar: Hmph…Do you always spew your political adjenda’s/views all over the threads? Right or wrong I’m just saying…Its always “I’m right, so fuck all the rest of you!” And I am fully convinced you would argue in your own grave because some BS Republican/Democrat didn’t allow someone to build you a bigger box… :wink:

weather control device!! Havent you ever played Red Alert!?!? lol

The hurricane was just gods way of punishing some red states. :wink:

umm… if you take the mandatory Bush bashing out of Darkstar’s post… HE’S ABSOLUTELY RIGHT… i mean americans are dying… we had water and aid in the Phillipines by now but we can’t do shit in our own country???

haha, Im a Libertarian you twatwaffle. And I guess all the other local agencies/governments (the ones in the trenches)that are screaming the same thing as me are just bleeding heart liberals too. Go fist yourself n00b. I’d be willing to bet if this shit happened in Pittsburgh you’d be singing a different tune.

please tell me what the fuck you are doing to change this? absolutely nothing… drive your ass down there and make your contribution if you have the quick fix in your back pocket…

your liberal douchness is showing right through with those ignorant comments. move to canada!

  1. Yes.

  2. I am always right. And fuck the rest of you.

  3. Fucking right I would.

I pay taxes to have a government that is supposed to do this shit for me.

absolutely nothing… drive your ass down there and make your contribution if you have the quick fix in your back pocket…

See above.

your liberal douchness is showing right through with those ignorant comments. move to canada!

So you’re saying that the government is doing a GOOD job handling this situation?

i donated some money through my works collection. hopefully itll help buy those ppl some food or water. i still think its bullshit. i would never imagine that a city in our US would turn into something out of a movie scene.

W is worse than anything hollywood could ever come up with.

the pennsylvania air national guard is being deployed down there the army national guard will be following. go make a differnce darkstar sign up and show all the men how manly you really are or are you to affriad they will turn your whinny ass into there little bitch in boot camp

Good thing they are getting deployed now. I mean, its only been like a week. And theres no way I’d join the army. Wouldnt want to get sent into some bullshit war by some douchebag president.

but thanks for the offer.