The governments bungling of the N.O. situation it even more embarassing than Iraq...

ya, thats what i have a problem with. it seemed like there was a period right after the 'cane went through where nothing was being done except ppl moving to the Superdome. all these amry and coast gaurd ppl shouldve been there from the beginning. then maybe looting wouldntve been much of an issue and random dudes wouldnt be shooting at the ppl dropping food and trying to rescue others.

you are a fucking idiot they are bring national guards men back from iraq to help out in new orleans … IT WAS A FUCKING HURRICAN … there was no real telling how horrible it would of been… by the way the reason they are just getting in now is the water level is slowly lowering… yea new orleans may of been poorly designed however… there is no way in hell you can blame what happened down there on bush… thats you just wanting to complain and be a little bitch

So instead of making a difference you choose to bitch out? What a great American you are…You should get a medle - -

they should have been down there BEFORE the storm even hit. I mean fuck, they knew for a couple days that this thing was gonna totally BUTTFUCK N.O. This is EXACTLY the thing the National Guard is there for. Theres no law down there, hasnt been for a week. Totally unacceptable for the most advanced nation in the world.


What the fuck am I supposed to do that makes a difference? Like I said, I pay my taxes so that theres a government to deal with this shit! People bitch about potholes in PA, but I dont see many of them out there with asphalt and a shovel? Why? Because its the governments job to do it.

And Im a bad American for saying the government is handling this situation poorly? What would make me a good American? Sitting here and saying nothing? :ugh:

stfu,how did thet know it was going to be that bad! :bash: :bash: :spank:

LIBERtarian…close enough to LIBERal

Well if this happened to Pittsburgh I would’ve followed the mandatory evacuation and left.

hmm, because it was the 3rd most powerful hurricane ever recorded and it was headed straight towards a city that sits below sea level with levies only built to handle a storm of half the intensity. :dunno:

that is because you are a vagina.

what do you want them to do with the bodies? put them in the floating morgue?

the gangs- well you said we can’t shoot anyone because of the looting and stealing yesterday.

superdome- take your C130 you have in your mind down there and pick them all up and take them to you own island in yourmind where you can spew your propaganda at them all day.

the US government and army corps had absolutly NOTHING to do with the Leves and/or the pumping system in NO. the NO people wanted to do it themselves well they did and they got what they didn’t plan for. I guess it is Bush’s fault that 150 years ago they didn’t build stronger hurricane safty systems

Nothing ever changes without war. Period. You find me one time in History that a major change in the world was made without war? civil rights? I call that war. Soviet over throw to democracy? war.

shit go back to the romans and find me something that didn’t happen significantly in the world because of war. Fuck the rest of the world but if you don’t want to help us well then next time a little turd of a country gets washed away or some little civil wars happens we say fuck them too.

We are the superpower of the world. economicly and militaraly if you don’t like what we do step up to the plate and put sanctions on us and see how long your country can float

cliffs: darkstain is a true liberal no matter what he claims and used the NO flooding to spew more propaganda about anti-war.

the national guard falls under the governors control, not G.W’s. thats why it takes a while to get other states national guard to new orleans. if you want to blame someone blame rendell not bush for the pa guard taking so long to get down there


Libertarians are ultra-conservative. About as far from Liberal as you can get. moron.


Yes the city was poorly planned I’m all for blaming engineers that didn’t plan the city correctly. Stupidity reined on not assuming for a 500 year storm when it was below sea level SHAME ON THEM! As far as the national guard being ON HAND thats insanity - That would have led to more people getting evacuated and deaths…Where exactly would they have been staying? In the homes or in the shit hotels that nearly blew away. Common Sense - I know you have a lot most times but this time I think its up your ass…

bwahhh you call yourself conserative?

stand on abortion?
is john roberts a good person for the court?

your answers will tell all

on top of the fact 2 days before it hit they were predicting it was goin to fall apart in the gulf

So you’ll be signing up soon then?

what do you want them to do with the bodies? put them in the floating morgue?

No, refridgeration trucks would work nicely.

the gangs- well you said we can’t shoot anyone because of the looting and stealing yesterday.

Did I say that we need to be shooting people? No. If there was a police/military presence down there, people wouldnt be looting and therefore wouldnt need to be shot.

superdome- take your C130 you have in your mind down there and pick them all up and take them to you own island in yourmind where you can spew your propaganda at them all day.

Nah, I think I’ll just let them sit there and die of dehydration, which is pretty much whats going on right now.

the US government and army corps had absolutly NOTHING to do with the Leves and/or the pumping system in NO. the NO people wanted to do it themselves well they did and they got what they didn’t plan for. I guess it is Bush’s fault that 150 years ago they didn’t build stronger hurricane safty systems

Wrong. I’ll find ya a link.

cliffs: darkstain is a true liberal no matter what he claims and used the NO flooding to spew more propaganda about anti-war.


whether or not they had planned for it, they knew for several days that it was gonna be REALLY bad, and the did nothing preemptively.

Umm great but where exactly will those trucks be located and do they float? Do you know how many they would need and how long they would have to be on hand? AGAIN THINK!!! Some things you propose that would solve shit only works in your head and would never work if you actually sat and though logically about it!

do you even know what a TRUE conservative is? less government, less laws, less intervention. Yeah, Im pro-choice. Just because the republican party is sucking christian conservative cock these days doesnt mean pro-life is a strictly conservative value.

as far as Roberts, I have no idea whether he’s good or not. I’ll make that judgement after his conformation hearings.

i think darkstar has made valid points in this thread. im not saying im in 100% agreement w/ him on everything BUT those of u that r opposing everything he says, so r u saying that u think everything down there is being handled properly/efficiently???

you bitch about people dying but you want them to take the time to remove all the bodies and put them in refrigerator trucks? you do know those run on gas right?

there is a presense there but since you don’t know anyone in the military or have ever learned of how hard it is to manuver in urban environments without 10 feet of water on top of the fact they have whinning liberals like you that would cry that the government shot innocent people when in reality they are shooting at the army choppers bringing in the water and food. congrats you are an idiot.

I always wondered why you didn’t make it through school but now it is pretty obvious you have no idea of how anything in the country works. Morons like you should have:

  1. tubes tied
  2. voter card removed
  3. send to small island where you live with people as retarded as you are