The governments bungling of the N.O. situation it even more embarassing than Iraq...

you’re right. Im sure you couldnt park them outside the city and then take the bodies there. Its much better to just let the rats nibble on them. I understand its not a TOP priority, but if there were more people down there attending to the other more important issues, there would be people left to take care of such things.

considering the situation I think the federal Government is doing a good job the state and city made it a cluster fuck to begin with and now they need the federal gov to bail them out and that takes time after everything was done wrong from the start

That storm like any other could have turned Left or Right…It is mother Nature! Unless you have a remote control or are the little fat kid holding the magnifying glass then you or ANYONE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER KNEW HOW BAD IT WAS GOING TO GET!!! Maybe you have a crystal ball we don’t know about…

ok now anyone that does a little reading can figure out bush is not to blame no matter how much you want to when the first levie was built down around new orleans the year was 1727 and if you know anything american was not even american then and that area down there was controlled by the french american didnt exist till 1776. while the french controlled it it flood in 1735 after they had constructed the levies. that land turned into american in like i said 1776 the levy design was headed by the army corp of engineers. however even with them working on it it flooded again in again 1862 186 1867 1884 1890 1891 1898 1903 1912 1913 1922 1927 1928 at this point in time the levies stood at 18 feet high and by 1930 they where 30 feet high… the army had to ask themselves how high is high enough… well… they sat down and figured out no matter how high they went it would never be high enough anyways back to what i was saying you cant blame bush for the french being retarded and building a city under sea level

as was said before send money or better yet get your ass in the car with a pair if boots and gloves and go do what you say the gov isn’t doing.

again you know nothing about triage. the dead or dying are passed up so the others can live period

yeah, your totally right. I didnt make it thorugh college because I dont know how the military works. :rofl:

and you’re right. I’ll go in tomorrow and get my fallopian tubes tied. As soon as I have some installed. :bowrofl:

And woe is me for thinking that the government should be responding with more force to the worst natural disaster in the history of the nation. I mean, those 50,000 people that are stranded there without food and water… no big deal. We’ll get to them when we feel like it.

Ok so then lets take what little people there are down there and concentrate on all the dead instead of getting food/water to the living and helping them in this process. I’m not sayin its not right that there are floating decaying bodies but there are more important things to tend to!

he does. he also has pictures of himself in a tub naked to post on the net so I think we know how bright he is

The corps knew that anything above a Cat 3 hurricane would do this. And they did nothing. They were in the process of trying to construct new, bigger levies and flood control systems, but were forced to stop because their budget got cut. That I can blame on Bush/his administration.

and how do you get them out of the city to the trucks? do you have no concept of how big of an area this is

again the army corps were interviewed when it first happened. they didn’t know anything because the city was incharge of all the flood control

and if you bothered to read the fucking quote you just posted you would understand that I know its not a top priority, but if there were the number of people down there helping that there should be, then there would be people left over to deal with the dead bodies.

what the fuck did the city do wrong from the start exactly? And how are they supposed to do this all by themselves when half the police force isnt showing up for work?

Please take your time and read this article and then tell me that things are going well down there. They had to have snipers on top of the police station last night just so that it didnt get overrun.

you’re very misinformed.

yet i saw again was bush the genius that built the city there… answer no it was the french if it were not for the stupid french that city may not be there blame them not bush for doing his best to help people

werd. Lets blame the French for bulding a city there a couple hundred years ago. I mean, we’ve only been in control of it since 1776. Thats hardly enough time to shore up the levies.

Ok Great re read just to make sure you were still pulling idea’s out of your ass…

If there were more people down there…I am sure that they would still be helping the 50,000 people that were displaced from there homes temporarily and/or permanantly. I like anyone else feels aweful these people are floating but like one of the guys on here said…Its not easy to manuver big military vehicals in small spaces. If you don’t understand how its done then you need to finda link that will better help you understand the process…

we built them 30 feet high you retard

oh wait, that doesnt exist. Good thing we have a government that plans for this stuff and knows how to do it. My bad for not brushing up on my submerged city corpse evacuation policies. Because thats something every american should know.

well I guess 30 feet wasnt high enough, retard. And they knew it wasnt high enough. They knew this was a disaster waiting to happen.