The governments bungling of the N.O. situation it even more embarassing than Iraq...

im going to watch CNN coverage of this shit. I’ll be back in a while to deal with you retards.

Yeah and thats in every Police and Military guide too when mother nature decides to be a bitch - - GOOD ONE!!!

darkstar ,u have all the ansrewsgo fucking do something to help.instead posting all ur ideas on the internet

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

wwwaaaahwwwaaaahhawaaaa, the Federal Gov’t isn’t wiping my ass for me just the way I like it, call the ACLU…

This just in…it’s the ghetto that’s flooded, getting anyone to really give a shit ain’t gonna happen.

I donated money today. I don’t want a pat on the back or good job but darkstar seems to have all the answers yet does absolutly nothing to help in anyway. no one can read your posts down there darkstar. there is no power.

I just saw that every major air carrier in the US donated planes to remove 25000 people from NO and taking them to FEMA approved areas to be processed which is most likly going to be air force bases etc.

darkstar. It is the cities fault they have a corupt police force and shitty flood control not the federal government. ohh by the way I guess I am not the only one misinformed since the head of the army corps said on national TV they have NOTHING to do with the levies and pumping stations. they may have helped with designs but they only design what the city wants and has a budget for


no. fuck off.

This just in, Bush calls the Federal Governments response to the situation “grossly inadequate”. Hmm… I guess even Bush is jumping on the Bush hating bandwagon. Maybe he should move to Canada too since he’s so anti-american…

waaaaaaawaaahhhwaaa I have no water to drink and no food to eat and havent since Monday, people are shooting each other, women are being raped at will on the streets, the police force is running AWAY from the gangs, there are dead bodies everywhere, the entire city is under water. what a bunch of whiney pussies.

here u go 1-800 HELP NOW, u fucking big mouth pussy!

I donate to them every week.

aint that the place ur running to if something happins in the us?

with that little pool boy paycheck?

I’d defend American soil to the death. If we were invaded, I’d have no problem taking up arms against a foreign occupation.

$344/week after taxes.

so does every who gets a check,so shut ur mouth & donate to help! :tool: (not as bad as shelby)

I’ll donate in a week or so. Right now they dont need money. They need troops.

hahaha why wait,u should of befor it happin,u knew it was going to be bad!

They’ve enlisted George HW Bush and Clinton to beg for donations again. They are saying that donations will be more needed in 2-4 weeks when rebuilding begins.