caging my DD :)

votblindub = 'tardbucket. come on man, my sister’s know more about cars than you

so how do u suggest i ask about things i dont know without u guys going :facepalm

Don’t worry about them, the only bad question is the one that’s never asked.

extends hand for a handshake
thank you:happy:

benny, quit preaching. its not worth it… next thing you know, hell have a caged auto a6 with fake wheels, terrible sounding exhaust and a s!ck system

and still have a million questions

Can Vot get his own stickied thread where he can ask dumb or completely subjective questions about car tuning 101 and speakers and NOS and whatever else he does?

Just get a 4pt with a cross brace if your concern is making your parents think its “safe”. No noggin issues, dont have to crawl over bars every day, and itll be about 1/2 the price your about to pay.

for someone that has been in the “scene” for 5+ years, you know absolutely dick about cars. It’s quite amazing actually.

the answer: todays daily double…

please can this happen. that way we can just scan right past that thread and not get sucked into the stupidity that is votblindub on a daily basis

Suck it Trebec!! :rofl

  1. why would i cage my car? it’s a daily, im not even TRYING to race it in any kind of manner.
    2)what makes you say my exhaust sounds terrible?
  2. whats wrong with having a proper sounding stereo in a vehicle that i spend hours in driving?

i dont race, i dont know cage specifics or terminilogy, if i needed one for a car i had, id do research into it.
one more time, because you people keep forgetting
I…do not…race…cars
plus, last time i checked forums are in place for asking questions in hopes of people who know answering them.

I… do not… race… cars either

I dont even know what that means…

do you want to race on foot?

Very dangerous. Doc fucked his Akilies(sp??) tendon doing that!!

fucked how? snapped it?
“achilles tendon”


is she hot?

Yes, was rather disgusting. He has a full vid of the surgery!!