Conan O’Brien Defeats Serena Williams in Wii Sports Tennis



conan is the funniest person on tv. period.


Bad ass!

thats awesome

My dads crazy

lol watched this last night it was funny as hell

anyone see that pic of her he showed of her arm?

i wanna see a close-up of conan obrien’s mii

Me and my g/f placed bets on this when it came on. She of course had to support the nignog due to her being a woman and I had to go with the underdog Cone-bone.

I left that night 5 bucks richer :slight_smile:

It was classic.

(I was searching for this online too. Thanks)

Oh and dot.

Nignog?! WTF lol!


Yeah thats weak.

P.S. I laughed more seeing Conan at UB than seeing Chris Rock at UB. He’s hiliarious.

Don’t say that shit again or similar or you will be banned…

Yeah. What?

dan your good at that.

i know, i had to google it, and it still doesn’t make sense

and you know how like some really really non-pc things are kinda funny

this just wasn’t at all

come on. if you’re gonna get banned, get banned over something cool

It’s from Clerks II. Randal says it in his little “These are racial slurs” rant.

Talk about a thread hijack.