Media Blackout: Horrific Hate Crime against White Couple

just watched the whole thing… wow

kramer, with all respect buddy SHUT THE FUCK UP LOL

im sorry but i have to disagree here, its not a hate crime… the fact the media didnt blow this up is one thing, but that doesnt make it a hate crime… it makes it a crime… a sick one… but a crime none the less…

the media is at fault for not advertising it like they would if the races where reversed… but this has nothing to do with the actual crime IMO

so shut up sometimes

ya seriously… you are all being racist yourself acting like this…

oh now the story and opinion changes when somone you respect posts the same opinion as someone you dont :rofl…nice

this crime is super fucked… but its been a bit exagerated , if u saw the first video by jammer the father of the victim even said it was being blown out of proportion , and his dick was NUT cut off and the womens breast were not cut off…

this is ridiculous how shit gets twisted, because its a horrible crime to begin with, why twist and lie to make it silly? and pass misinformation around?

unbelievable ! and for the record fuck all of you who constantly act racist no matter what the fuck it is