Black on white hate crime in Buffalo

Speculation is that they didn’t want this story to go to press due to the nature of the crime.

Cliffnotes, 18 year old white male, dating black girl. 12 black guys beat him causing a broken jaw and bleeding in his brain.


A Buffalo teen, viciously attacked earlier this week, remains in the hospital. Police are investigating the beating as a possible hate crime because the victim is white and the wanted suspects are a dozen African American men.
Brian Milligan, 18, is recovering at Erie County Medical Center. He’s got bleeding in his brain and a broken jaw. Police say the group of men attacked him Tuesday night near the corner of Genesee Street and Floss Avenue.
“It didn’t even look like my son,” said Brian Milligan Sr., describing what his son looked like after the beating. He feels confident his son’s beating is a hate crime because his son is white and his African American girlfriend was repeatedly taunted and teased about their relationship before the attack.
“They’re just in love. They just want to be left alone,” he said.
Brian’s father says his son didn’t get a good look at those who beat him because they hit him from behind using a concrete brick.
“I mean, I couldn’t believe that a human can lose so much blood and walk home for five blocks,” Milligan Sr. said.
Buffalo Police have not arrested anyone for the crime. Milligan thinks the police response would have been different if his son wasn’t white. “I don’t want to sound wrong, but, what happens if this was a black boy laying up on that bed, and it was twelve white guys that did this to him ?”
Buffalo Police spokesperson Mike DeGeorge says investigators are actively searching for those responsible. “The department is vigorously investigating this tragic incident like it does with all crimes in the city. We understand the family’s grief and the department is asking anyone with information about this incident to call the confidential tip call 847-2255,” DeGeorge said.
Milligan says his son’s girlfriend is scared for her safetyBrian could be released from the hospital next week, but that depends on the results of a medical scan of his brain.

racism only goes one way, remember?

been following for a few days.So far not a word from Byron,gipson,jesse or Al.


Milligan thinks the police response would have been different if his son wasn’t white. “I don’t want to sound wrong, but, what happens if this was a black boy laying up on that bed, and it was twelve white guys that did this to him ?”

^word…Imus calls some ugly black chicks nappy headed hoes as a joke and temporarily loses his job. Some black kids beat the shit out of a white guy and everyone is quite.

Typical…then again if a white person gets all up in arms, it’ll be turned around and he will be blamed for racism.

I agree with everything in this thread. Reverse racism is RACISM and is an often overlooked scenario that deserves just as much attention.

I had a well thought statement to add but rather than allow it to fall on deaf ears, i will simply say this, this is one side of the story. while the crime was pathetic and egregious it takes a lot to get TWELVE people to commit that serious of a crime probably something a bit more than just interracial dating.

BTW before i hear any nonsense… yes i think it is a hate crime, yes i think it is pathetic. i’m simply stating i know how hard it is to get 12 teenagers to do anything as a group, so for them to plan out an ass whooping like this, they must have had some serious motivation something a bit more serious than what the story leads one to believe. And for anyone who thinks this story would be any different if the races were reversed your nuts the city of buffalo could care less about an ass whooping and everyone on here knows it.


JMEZZI: everyone is not quiet if you read the paper this has been known for a few days, Derek noted that hes been following the story, shit the buffalo bills message board had this story yesterday so know your facts before you say everyone is “keeping quiet”

^ I doubt it was planned out. Prolly just a spur of the moment thing. Maybe the 12 of them were sitting on the porch and saw the white kid walking by?

then by this theory where does his black girlfriend remotely come into play? again if 12 kids are sittin around it takes alot to get ALL of them to do something, they would all have to have the same problem with milligan and it would have to bother all of them enough to make them whoop his ass. alot of “ifs” imho.

this story seems more like a gang thing rather than a pre meditated jumping. sounds like the kid was in the wrong place at the wrong time and his personal life was just a conicidence.

my point is it is far more likely for him to get jumped by a gang of black kids who dont like white people, then it is for a gang of teenagers to plan out an attack on a kid because he is dating a black girl…

just my .02

Maybe the black girl dumped one of the 12 kids for the white dude?

that brings me back to my original point of it was more than simply just based on the fact that he was dating a black girl…there was likely an outside cause similar to what you stated, and unfortunately in your described case he was the unlucky guy she dated next.

All im saying is the story makes the motive seem simple, that there is a group of black kids running beating up white boys because they date black girls, when the odds are it isnt nearly that simple

Honestly I like you and I agree with 99% of everything that you say ESPECIALLY regarding this topic. Please take a moment to re-read my post. We are actually in agreement. I hate the term “reverse racism” even though it is common. My point was that “revers racism” is RACISM! Nothing more nothing less. It is one race singling out another. I do not believe that the color of your skin or your religious beliefs or anything along those lines dictate the type of person that you are or how you should be treated in this world. We are all human and should thus in my mind live as a collective group of individuals. In our lifetimes we have seen Immense changes in the cultures of our society, I hope that in this same lifetime I can witness complete and total equality amongst our society (well except for female asian drivers, there is no hope for them)

^^ i miss interpreted your statement. I’m sorry

I’m rather in awe that i dont wanna strangle purextc im almost in agreement with him

I’m biting my tongue.

I give a compliment and you follow up with implied ignorance. why???

what has a black guy ever done directly to you. steal your bike, knock up your sister? dont give me the unemployed, drug dealing, crime usual mumbo jumbo. you have this incredible disdain for black people or “niggers” as you so eliqiuntly put it last i remember. All the things you say you hate about “niggers” are interchangeable problems with america not with african americans. you points were like mad libs and you can replace blacks with whites, mexicans, whatever. You seem like a relatively smart guy why the dumb guy stance on race relations? america is a diverse nation most people are not what you see on tv or what your opinions are based of off. Please dont reply with these 5 guys i work with do this that or the other thing, because that is an incredibly small sampling to base such an opinion off of.

I never said the N word

black white asian latino indian whatever…

12 v 1, hit with a brick, fuckers should be caught, and hit with bricks too.


I know people who don’t think so, but calling me a white guy is ok) sitting on the porch at 1pm holding a 40 of malt liquor and think “what a N***”. If I see a black man sitting on the porch at 1pm holding a 40 and dodging child support payments and selling drugs to people who have serious problems than yes, I do think that. If I see a white guy who is faking an injury so he doesn’t have to work, sending his kids to school dirty than I think “white trash”.

sounds familiar thats a quote by you it can be found here

do you not read? or does it fall on deaf ears for you because you are also african american? the story specified that the african female was repeatadly taunted for her interacial relationship with the white boy. Stop making excuses for such a horrible hate crime just because there black. And yes the story has been quiet, had it been the other way around there would be alot more media.

Your whole stance on “he musta done something” is extremely disturbing. You dont have to do a single thing wrong to be jumped and beat by a gang. How far you think id get if i just went for a random walk on the east side by myself? probably not very far wihtout confrontation. Unfortunately racism is a huge problem regardles of color everywhere.

buncha snowmen up in this thread