Four teens in lockport gang rape a disabled girl

I saw this on OT and I couldn’t believe my eyes…

Holy fucked up. :shoot:

Four teens charged in Lockport gang rape

LOCKPORT - Four 16-year-old youths are charged in the gang rape in May of a 15-year-old disabled girl at the home of one of the boys. Police say the attackers violated the girl and recorded the assault with a cell phone camera.

The charges followed a two-month investigation by Lockport Police Lt. David Barrancotta.

The teens befriended the girl then lured her to the home of one of the attackers May 12, where they took turns attacking her over an hour and a half, said Detective Capt. Lawrence Eggert. He said the victim and the suspects were students at Lockport High School.

The four charged are: Dontre R. Woods of Lock Street, where the attack occurred; Dartain M. Ubiles of Frontier Street, Niagara Falls; Nicholas M. Smith of Crosby Avenue; and Antonio J. Sheppard of Gabriel Drive.

Two were charged with first-degree forcible rape and three youths were charged with felony first-degree criminal sexual act. A fourth youth was charged with videotaping the attack on his cell phone.

Despite the variations in charges, Eggert said all four youths are responsible for the attack.

“It’s like a bank robbery. Whether you sit outside to drive the getaway car or actually rob the bank, all are culpable,” Eggert said.

He said the girl reported the attack to a school counselor, and a report was filed with the police by high school Principal Frank P. Movalli on May 13.
Superintendent of Schools Bruce Fraser said the school is cooperating fully with the police, but was unwilling to discuss any of the accused students.
“We believe in the right to privacy. There are always two sides, and we don’t want to be in the middle,” said Fraser.

Woods was charged with felony first-degree rape and felony criminal sexual act for using a broom handle to violate the girl. Smith was charged with first-degree rape and first-degree criminal sexual act and aggravated sexual abuse. Both Woods and Smith remain in Niagara County Jail in lieu of $15,000 bail each.

Ubiles surrendered at Police Headquarters on Tuesday morning, officials said. He is charged with two felony counts of aggravated sexual abuse and first-degree criminal sexual act. He is also in Niagara County Jail on $15,000 bail.

Sheppard, who allegedly videotaped the attack with his cell phone, faces two felony counts of promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child and possession of a sexual performance by a child. He was released on $5,000 bail.

Eggert said the cell phone was confiscated by police, but noted that a 30-second video clip of the rape was erased. He said Sheppard admitted to police that he had taped the other youths raping the girl.

“We’re not sure if the video was widely seen by other people, but we did receive some notification from others that the video existed,” Eggert said.
Kelly Campbell, captain of the Lock Street Block Club, a neighbor of the Woods family, said she was sad about what happened to the girl, but was also sad for the four youths.

“None of these kids would have done this on his own. I don’t think they are that kind of kids, but they made a huge mistake, which will affect their whole lives,” Campbell said.

She blamed both raging hormones and children in the blighted area having nowhere to redirect their energy.

“I’ve lived on Lock Street for 16 years. This area has gotten progressively worse. It’s like we hit rock bottom,” she said.

“Kids growing up [on the north end] of town can’t afford memberships to the YMCA. Mayor [Michael W.] Tucker has been awesome, but . . . it takes more than just a small group of people, like a block club. It takes the whole community,” Campbell said.

The four youths are expected to appear with their attorneys for a hearing in Lockport City Court this morning.
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some people should not be allowed to have kids

EDIT: damn, i wonder if i know the school counselor it was reported to

Ugh. I hate it that my zip code is lockport. Lockport is like Niagara Falls’ retarded younger cousin.

Didn’t they let them go because the girl didn’t show up for court?

By looking at the pictures, ive come to the conclusion that the kid on the lower left was the camera man. He looks like the loser of the group. So much of a loser, that he couldnt even join in on the gangbang.

no, that’s Bizarre from D12

that whole rap thing didn’t work out

Kelly Campbell is a moron.

Nowhere else to direct their energy? She feels bad for the boys as well?
Give me a fucking break. These kids are criminals, end of story.

holy shit thats fucked up

some one should shove a broom stick up that fags ass and see how he likes it:tdown:

the real question is how hot and how disabled was she?

Weird there all black[scratching my head] :hang:


That is fucking terrible.
I hope someone rapes them all with a broomhandle.

I call BS all 4 pictures are the same people with different hair

lol some funny responses in here…
i can see this thread going downhill real fast…

but i do feel bad for the poor girl, hopefully her life will get back to normal

maybe she gave them permission then said haha just joking your all going to jail then she didn’t go to court and said wow that was a good joke hu?

All four of them are just victims of society.
They are a product of their up-bringing.
It is Bush’s fault!!!
If they got more welfare they could have bought hookers and they wouldn’t need to rape!!!
Damn you Bush, Damn you!!!
President Bush hates black people!

That poor girl :frowning:

only real punishment is castration. fucking assholes

:word: lol

I’ve heard some fucked up shit in my day but this is pathetic. I think they should have their weiners cut off and glued onto their foreheads.