I hate kids/teens.

So my little brother and his friend got jumped tonight by six black kids. Tried jackin my brothers phone but failed. Long long long story short, we roll around my area 10-12 people deep(me and my friend 23/25, and my brothers friends 15/18) and find them, I obviously cant touch them cause the little fucks look 16-20 but my luck I’ll knock the 16yr old out and go to jail. Keep in mind im 23 and look 15, so really these “kids” could have been 18+. We all hop out of 3 diff cars and they run instantly of course.

They all scatter like little bitches and we end up losing them for a second. We end up finding them and cornering them till the cops come, my brother and his friend identify them and they all get arrested. They all claimed to be under 18, the one looked my size with tats all down his arm so who really knows.

Bottom line, fuck the law, those kids bricked my neighbors son in the back of the head just 5 min before jumping my brother, and you know what they’re gonna get when we press charges? Prob a few days in juvy at most and probation. Do they care? Fuck no. Sometimes I wish I had nothing to lose so I could of jumped out of the car and just droped them all.

And trust me, if we would of found them in a less populated area, I would have let my brother and his friends all loose on them to hand them their asses. But since that wasnt the case, we all know how that would have went down. I would have got in trouble for looking for these little fucks and my brother and his friends would have all gotten in shit.

Blaaahh I hate society, whats wrong with these fuckin punks today?

Does it even matter that the kids were black? Point is…your bro and his friend got hopped…obviously because he had something that someone else wanted…hey thats life…shit happens…sorry to hear but on the other hand it could have been much much worse

it would be nice to be allowed to slove things with your fists every once in awhile

I dont think he was being racist at all, besides stating the facts at first there was no other comments towards them being black. so why even bring that into the conversation?

Good point

Wrong. No one deserves shit like that…but hey if some crushes YOUR fucking skull, shit happened eh?


Well in that case, I’ll be over sometime next week to pummel you in the fucking face with a sand wedge, because I want you to stop posting on Pittspeed. Hey, thats life, right?

damn justin thats fucked up, justin is by no means racist. soo xlogic fuck urself and when u get nailed by a mack truck on ur bike, thats life. and like others said, at times it would be nice to solve shit urself

Now you know who they are. Sit tight a few months and find the ‘right’ time. Retribution for your brother.

xlogic what are you the captain save-a-race of pittspeed. Anytime a color is mentioned you come to the “rescue” turning the thread into a racial matter.

you are crazy if you think it isnt about race. Its about the way children are raised.Black people are taught from an early age by people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson that they are victims of white society.That they need to be compensated because they had ancestors that were victimized. So they take what they want.Then when white people complain they flip that race card…FUCK THAT…

sorry to hear about your brothers problems… but racial thread ftl…

You should have beat them up. You wouldn’t have gotten into trouble.

Never said he was being racist…i simply asked what does skin color have to do with it? I’ve known a bunch of kids that would do simple shit like that…not all of them are black

See reply below

Again some cock face on pittspeed taking things to far…my point with that life/shit happens/could have been worse…was…what if this happened in some other area that they were in at the wrong time or if the black kids were from some other area…homewood for instance…his brother might be DEAD, in this day and age he should be grateful that it was worse

i love how everyone takes what i say so far, and 98% of the time too far.

I was asking a simple question…what the fuck does skin color have to do with his brother getting jumped? I was in no way shape or form implying that he is racist, i just wanted to know what the fuck having a darker skin color has to do with his brother getting jumped. Idiots on this site fail to see the simplest things in my statements

Riiiight, this is why i have never paid attention to either of those two…honestly the average white guy pays attention to al sharpton more than i do.

pittspeed assuming things…as usual…ftl

On second though…you could always have you brother catch each and every one of those fucks slipping up and by themselves in the street and beat them down but think about it…this day in age…one of them is likely to come back with a knife or a gun, remember people don’t like to fight hand to hand anymore…if they had the nuts to hit someone in the back of the head with a brick…then they would probably go much further if they had to retaliate…not worth it IMO

and sight-n-sound…just to touch on the smart comment you made…color…should have nothing to do with a lot of things these days…but unfortunately it does…and when i put in my opinion…which is usually a very good one nobody wants to hear it because they think i’m the typical black guy defending other black people…ENH wrong…i’m just sick of people using “oh he was (insert random color from the rainbow here)” wtf does it matter?!

Overstatement of the century.

Nobody wants to hear your opinion because they are never good.

I’m with ya xlogic, if what you’re saying is the story would have been all the same if it read, my friend got jumped by six kids … the color didn’t matter.

not that it was a racist comment, just wasn’t necessary. If they we’re all white, the story wouldn’t have read, my friend got jumped by six white kids…

thats EXACTLY what i was saying. Thank you

dude that sucks. what part of town did this happen in? i hope your little bro and his friends are alright. i pray in this situation that karma’s a bitch and those kids get whats comin to them.

:confused: What about this statement would possibly lead someone to believe what you are saying your meant? Seriously.

Attitudes like this that you publicly spout off, time and time again, only to backpedal and say we missed you point…FTL. Maybe you need to think a bit before posting shit that leaves others scratching their heads in disgust, especially regarding what could be considered touchy subjects.

OP: You did the right thing by not sinking to their level, you sequestered them until the cops arrived…that was smart…it’s not worth compounding the issue by putting yourself in harm’s (or the Law’s) way.

I need to think a bit? Or a certain group of members needs to think outside of their own little box known as home? Anybody with common sense(like foz for example) would see that there is no need to insert color/race into it…his little brother was jumped by some no good low lives…plain and simple. Doesn’t matter if they where white black mexican italian asian or purple for that matter…thats what those who attempted to flame me all failed to realize