Drift Ops Annual VIP Bonanza! Oct. 25, Shannonville!


Mother nature thinks it can rain on our fun. And since my weather manipulation machine isn’t complete yet (need to come up with 4.6 gigawatts of power from my flux-capacitor) we are going to move the VIP day to Nov. 1, 2008! By that time, my weather machine will be fully operational.

WHEN: Nov. 1, 2008
WHERE: Shannonville
TIME: 9am to 5pm
COST: $120 prepaid by Friday, Oct. 31, $150 at the track

Sorry for the inconvenience, but we held out as long as we could watching the weather, but it looks like it’s gonna beat us… HARD.

I really hope you can all make it to NEXT WEEKEND.

Team Driftops.


Hey guys,

Well, the season is starting to gear down again and we’re glad to see so many successful Drift days put on by various people.

We want to thank all the supporters and dedicated participants we’ve had this year.

Anyways, let’s get to the point.

We will be having our annual VIP event again at Shannonville. It will be the same format as every other year; drift on Nelson, grip on Fabi and possibly Drift 101 on the skid pad.


Date: Saturday, Oct. 25, 2008
Time: 9am to 5pm (rain or shine, duh!)
Where: Shannonville
Cost: $120 Prepaid by Oct 12, $160 at the track.

Every year we have a lot of fun on the VIP day and we expect this year to be no different. Let's do it! Keep the tradition going! For questions or to register and prepay for the event, please email me at: wayne@driftops.com

so who is invited on this vip?

Wayne, are we going to be switching up from nelson to fabi or stayin on Nelson for the whole day?

Will be there as always!


i’m there

i have yet to make one of these…if i can free up time i will be there for grip

im tehre and im doing both going to be sickkkkkkkk
i got a little secret for you guys this time around

YESHHHH DRIFT DAY! im in fosho~

If we pay can we switch up between tracks? Do grip for half a day and drift the other half?

i’ll be there! maybe just as a spectator though. Money’s tight.

Count me in

i be deeerreee man!
kinda funny story… because of going to shannonville this weekend…
im unemployed lol… drifting got me fired… but god damn was it worth it

i’ll try and make it. most likly ill be there

I’m in!

expect me there.if i can get my car running =*(

i m in

Definitely there this time.

i shold be out with the cressy if i get my motorand tranny in and everything goes as planned

im in too

whoa… another e30?

I’ll be there to finish the rest of my tires :slight_smile:

aw cant make this one… :frowning: