GI - Operation: 'VIP DRIFT FTW!'


October 21, 2007!

Since Oct 20 is booked and out of the question, we have officially booked Oct 21!

Let’s go!

All those interested in coming out to a VIP driftday hosted by non-other than DriftOps say ‘I’!

That’s right, we’re gonna do it again! This event will be by invite ONLY for those who have been supporting the Canadian drift scene and have been coming out to the events! The cost will be $120 prepaid. We will post the VIP list shortly, but I’m sure by now, you know who if you’ll be on the list. If you’re not on the list, contact me and I’ll see what I can do!

Date: Sunday, Oct 21, 2007
Time: 9am - 5pm FULL DAY BABY!
Where: Shannonville, Nelson Circuit
Cost: $120 prepaid, $150 after prepay date(TBD) (includes BBQ lunch)
Who: Anyone on the VIP list!(will be posted shortly)
Not on the list? contact me and I’ll put you on the waiting list.

We are also working on have a tire changer on site and they might be able to help you bring tires to Shannonville. Details on that will come shortly.

Hope you guys can make it this years finale!


this is gonna be insane.
i may have to swing by.

I’ll come!

o hell yeah!! I hope I’m invited??lol

im down aslong as im not loaded w/ mid terms

sweet deal. last year kinda got rained out. lets hope we can hold it off this year.

i have been waiting all year for this. realy good time to chill relax, have a ton of fun. get to know people better. hey maybe find a drift team for 08.

who is gunna be on the vip i wanna know

shit, i gotta make another car before then

hey wayne… i hope you weren’t joking about what you said at dmcc about avery and I

wayne i love u man, no i love u more!

bok choi

I don’t remember what I said… =/

loving you is easy 'casue you’re beautiful…

can i help make advertisement JPEG files?

2007 VIP Drift Battle!!!

ms paint ftw?!?!

show me the list! i wanna go~

WOW! One more event to kick off before puttin the car away for winter!

Can’t wait for the details on this! I’m IN FOR SURE! Car should be fixed by then!

Hmmm… I wonder if I made the list??? When we going to see the list Wayne?

I will give my left nut to get invited! this is the perfect chance for me to try out the new suspension on my rx7

i hope my car is fixed by then so i can make it out

well as it turns out, Oct. 20 has been booked by someone else.

Hang tight while we find another day. Do you guys have any date in mind?