D-Ops presents: 'VIP Drift ftw!' Oct. 21 CONFIRMED!

There are a lot of you that have not prepaid for our VIP day yet. The very last do for you to prepay will be:

Friday, October 12, 2007.
9:00pm at Don Mills and Steeles Tim Horton’s.

$120 Cash or EMT
$125 Paypal

Post here if you plan to meet up for payment.

If you can’t make it GIVE ME A CALL and we can arrange something else.

thanks guys,


October 21, 2007!

Since Oct 20 is booked and out of the question, we have officially booked Oct 21!

Let’s go!

All those interested in coming out to a VIP driftday hosted by non-other than DriftOps say ‘I’!

That’s right, we’re gonna do it again! This event will be by invite ONLY for those who have been supporting the Canadian drift scene and have been coming out to the events! The cost will be $120 prepaid. We will post the VIP list shortly, but I’m sure by now, you know who if you’ll be on the list. If you’re not on the list, contact me and I’ll see what I can do!

Date: Sunday, Oct 21, 2007
Time: 9am - 5pm FULL DAY BABY!
Where: Shannonville, Nelson Circuit
Cost: $120 prepaid, $150 after prepay date(Oct. 12, 2007) (includes BBQ lunch)
Who: Anyone on the VIP list!(will be posted shortly)
Not on the list? contact me and I’ll put you on the waiting list.

Many of you should have already recieved an email from Kendrick. If not, send me an email and I will add you to the waiting list.

We are also working on have a tire changer on site and they might be able to help you bring tires to Shannonville. Details on that will come shortly.

Hope you guys can make it this years finale!


wayne! can you please add me to the waiting list?!


i remember tire buttler being at DMCC.

he is located in the GTA i beleive so its possible for him to come down.

Can you put me on the waiting list please?

Mike - Rx7

We’ll be there… confirmed by Kendrick

im coming to use the ebrake for the first time ever, i’ve never ever once ebraked to start a drift on the track, ever, int he last 3 years i’ve never done it but now its fixed, so im prepared for the worst lol

^^ hahahahaaa yessssssssss

damn oct 21st seems so far away

^ your welcome



Hey duckJAI…forget about the straight aways…think you can take my civic in tandom??

see yah there

rofl your on

how about s14 vs s14??? =D

no no…the s14 is rear wheel drive silly…drifting is for front wheel drive vehicles…


does that mean i have to drift going in reverse?

carefull now…im not afraid to scratch my civic…role or dent it :slight_smile:

^^ haha i kid, i don’t even think its possible to drift in reverse

anyways, ill see you at the cscs event if all goes well!

Wayne, could you add me to the list?

I’ll send the payment later when my cc isn’t maxed and I have money :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll also pass the word on to the 613DriftWerks guys.

we will be there. cant wait to see you again, miss u.

Sorry Justin. We had to cut you from he list.

Maybe next year.

okay guys,

Let’s get a list going. Post up if you want to go!

  1. Alex Lee

Instructions on Payment and prepay deadline soon to follow.