Dunnville Autodrome SHUT DOWN by locals: *Please Sign Our Petition!*

Seriously fuck off TMP. These are two very different tracks. I can’t see any reason that they should have been involved in this issue.

Money. That’s why. They assume that anyone who was going to Dunnville will travel further, and pay almost twice as much for a track that clearly doesn’t support the community.


I think is really sucks that any residents have any say in the track being shut down. The judge should have said to the residents, “STFU”.

Is ther an e-mail we can voice our opinions and thoughts to? Petition maybe?

Big :tdown: to TMP. That track fucking sucks anyway. As they said in the article it really is a shame about dunnville, it was a great track for beginners and it was great place to hold our events because of that.

Here are a few examples of somethings that TMP COULD have done that would have been beneficial to them and the automotive community.

  1. Shown support for a fellow track who caters to enthusiasts.
  2. Made a promotional offer for lower track prices at TMP in order to try and lure some of Dunnvilles business without being total assholes about it.
  3. Make a public statement that they regret to see such a business go under and hope the best for them.
  4. Deaded themselves.

How are any of those good business ideas? lol

Because it makes them look GOOD in the eyes of the automotive community. If they can build a good relationship with more people through this by at least getting them up there, it would turn into repeat business from those people and long term financial gain.

EDIT - except the last one. lol

So next time Walmart trys to build somewhere and local residents complain and get it stopped Target should jump in and help…

I don’t agree with the track getting shut down but I don’t see what you expected TMP to do…

This isn’t a global chain, it’s much more local and personal with it’s customers. I didn’t say they should have done those things, but doing them could have wound up being good things for them. They basically just kicked Dunnville when they were down, it was completely unnecessary and shows a complete lack of dignity.


let him know how you feel. I’m going to.

^and who is this?

Just out of curiosity for everyone bitching…

Did anyone actually do anything to help keep the track open? Petition, letters to local officals?

I shaved the dunnville track in my ass hair as protest.

The man from TMP who snitched on Dunnville at the hearing.

I believe the words you are looking for are “spoke against” not snitched. This isn’t some shitty mob movie.

Several of the regulars in our group that attended Onyx track days signed petitions and donated to the legal fees of the track.

Ah cool :tup:

I hate when people rant after the fact and did nothing to try to prevent.

Well, it was like 10-12 people total, 4 of which are in this thread. So a mild :picard:

I don’t think enough was done by the owners of the track to educate people of how serious the legal battle was. I sat around talking with who I think was Lee at the 2nd to last Onyx event and he made it sound like it was just a matter of maybe getting hit with some sound restrictions. Reading through the legal notes post closure it’s pretty clear the issues were far more serious.

Now maybe they were being painted a rosy picture by their attorneys or maybe it was a business decision because they were afraid if people thought a closing was eminent they wouldn’t book time… I don’t know. But I think the track users would have been more involved had they known more.

Really though, I doubt it would matter. Most of us aren’t even citizens of the country, much less tax paying residents of the town of Dunnville. And when it comes to who zoning boards listen to it’s going to be the people paying the taxes.

Yea, i had no idea that closing was gong to happen, i just figured they would have to put up sound barriers