ErnGotti's 08 EvoX

3 lap circuit

da fuck

Yah because theres a ton of local circuit tracks that we have access too

Yeah with my lakewood 90/10’s. Sure ill be right over for that. Where would this 3 lap circuit be run regardless?

haha i was joking, but yea lets drag

Cool. Still 2,000$? or was that just a funny?

Cause ive also been challenged for $5,000 by a 98 neon. so who knows.

hah did you actually race him?

reading > you

does dad know his car is going to get drug down the highway?

not his car

i see everyone talking shit, how about you actually throw down and race if you want to prove something. shit, i’d prolly beat half of you in my moms car hah

if I threw down anything and you had to pay up there would be a problem. Then it no longer is fun.

it seem’s like you are really clueless about cars

i would never bet money i don’t have… thats why i opted to fill a tank instead of 2k

Dangerous instrument under NYS Penal code. still an offense that could get you time behind bars.

relax officer


I’ll send a letter

haha and what? tell him in dragging my car at lebanon? LoL

No, tell him I’m the real father and he should stop paying for your worthless ass.