Ever wondered what 1 TRILLION dollars looked like?

One Trillion Dollars

Pretty crazy stuff!


this thread sucks.

Polak quit shitting on threads

f that.

gotta keep it fresh

seriously what is with the lame threads? this is now the second I have seen by this “tatti” fellow. member or not, seems like a waste of space

the threads I mean…

LOL are u shure?

i think so lol

I thought a trillion dollars looked like this



Lol, nice.

man there are way to many haters on this board. if u dont got something nice to say dont rip on someones thread. make ur own and shove it up ur ass!


so do it! so i can shit on your thread :wink:

i should stab you

you should…try :slight_smile:

A trillion dollars?..Pfffffffffffffffffff that’s nothing!

How about :

A million gazillion dollars!




Thread Saved!

I just found it interesting to put what the bailout was in perspective with a million dollars, which is what most people consider to be a lot of money. Guess ill think twice about making a thread next time! Sorry for “wasting space”…

I thought it was worth it.

Thread NOT fail.

And just think the US in debt something like 20 of them Trillion things. They’ll prolly just print more, the fuckin greenback should be worth like -$1 it makes no sense.

Pankeeze, call me you turd!

When the USD falls below the CND dollar, I’m going to take out 50K loan and stock up on them tires!

I can’t wait till their money is worthless, then I can buy more US stuff lol.

I call MAD inflation before 2010.