A new Vette for $1200.00?!?!?

OK now that I have your attention:D
Here is a video about gold vs. cash money.
For those of you with ADD there is a nice yellow Vette in the video.

that vette looks orange.

orangish yellow


That gold is silver!


Did not click the link, but if its in reference to the fact that our money is backed by jack shit, then I couldn’t agree more! the end of gold backed currency :frowning:

looks yellow to me. :slight_smile:

I didn’t read the thread, but this is definitely a scam

got my hat :tinfoilhat:

Federal Reserve was created in 1913. We abandoned the gold standard in 1971.

:lol: You’re smarter than I am. I wanted to be open minded and give it a chance.

I closed that crap when the speaker said “the price of gold hit an all time low during the great depression, and many people believe it was done intentionally by the federal reserve to really twist the knife in the economy.”

OK I finished it. I should have closed it when the first line said “You and your family are going broke right now.”

lol i did not even read the first post … meh

fuck it right