


now this is the best way to get rid of tailgaters!!! ROFL!!!

so…how do they do that? running rich?

^blue means you’re lean.

whats really bright, whitish, orange rapid back fire mean??? no blue.

seen these on streetfire, check out the old school sentra, with the VET AWD conversion, sickest mod i ever seen.

orange = rich
blue = lean

white = ?? stoich i think??

what does “stoich” mean?

ohh thnaks, thats awsome, i never knew that, i’ll do some research on that.

I asked earlier about the flame colour, because my cousin just bought a 2003 6spd maxima, and we did hotshot intake,Cattman header,and custom cat back, and saw bright ass flames popping out the back, every once in a while, i was just wondering why they were so damm white, and not blue, but now i know thanks to you guys that its a good thing.

orange is definatly super rich.

when i turn up the fuel pressure super high, i can blow a nice 4 ft flame on the highway, or in the high rpm range.

everyone should get a video of their flames in the summer and all post them.


can you eplain this a bit more in detail?:C

hahahha, awsome +1

if we can’t drift, if we can’t street race, we sure as hell CAN hard park Flame off.lol

just wait til i make my gtr a flamethrower in may. lol. no kit necessary.

flame off sounds supppppppper

worst joke ever.
ill bring the nail polish.


Likeee that? :smiley:

damn, fireworks show

it wasn’t a joke its a reality.!!!

the silver subaru in BMMMw’s vid had the best flame, the rest were ****ed up too awkward.

Wow that was gay vid

ah well anti-lag is great

any flame at all means rich, if the car is lean then all the fuel burns in the cylinders.

u get fireballs from superheated unburned fuel travelling through the exhaust, it’s hot enough to burn but doesnt have any oxygen. when in escapes the tailpipe it mixes with the air and finally explodes. the colour depends on how much fuel is escaping.


Terry is right. Blue DOES NOT equal a lean mixture.
I wish I opened this thread earlier. A blue flame means the gasoline flame is burning hotter and/or faster.

People that use Oxyacetylene Torches understand this principal.

When you dump fuel into a motor, more fuel actually runs cooler. When you have a higher percentage of air the mixture burns hotter, thus the cause of detonation. It is impossible to ignite air on its own. To get any flame you must have some form of fuel

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