Friendly Winter Reminder: Drive safe!

Just a friend reminder guys, the winter months are upon us, so it’s time to drive safe! Especially for the guys who haven’t winterized their cars!

Some winter safety tips…

keep your distance! you’ll never know when you may need to make emergency stops, and with in winter conditions, you’ll never know if there’s any black ice out there!

and a general rule of thumb of driving according to weather conditions…it’s better to arrive late than to not arrive at all!

If you have any other winter safety tips you wanna share, post’em up!

carry a emerency kit in a dufflebag in the trunk

  • blanket
  • candle [one tea candle can heat a car for about a hour]
  • lighter
  • waterproof matches
  • water
  • gloves
  • a minishovel

drive safe ppl…

when changing lanes with heavy snow paths never give gas, let the car get into the next lane than gas it.

das it

ahh bun that! hehe…nah im kidding yea i hate ppl who tailgate me…so i just sllowww the hell down …theres other lanes on the road hehe

Yeah drive safe everyone. I just saw a golf understeer straight into a curb just a couple of hours ago… and I ran a stop sign because I hit some ice and i actually stopped AFTER crossing the intersection lol…

in your 350???

Yes, because David is a crazy mammaF*****!:stuck_out_tongue:


lol yes in my car… ironically… I actually had a “safe” braking distance since before running that, my car stopped just fine and didn’t have much problem… until that ice…

You 2WD guys need to go AWD (Skyline or Pulsar GTIR) LOL! JK… my Skyline have been put to bed for the winter!

Drive Safe… Slap those winter tires on…

can a skyline do winter rallying??..

^^ +1

i wanna see that!

i’m thinking it will dominate the class…

but i’m not to sure about the durablity of the chasis and also the design from the bottom…is that car meant to take that much stress?

ahemoff topicahem

lol i was going to post this same thread cuz i wanted to warn young f*ckers…


hahaha… opps

drive safe ahem

i just realize this is my 3rd winter… :eek: i’ve come a long way already wow!

coming from previous experiences… everyone drive safe!!! even in the wet pavement like now, it could turn to ice later tonight.

Im winter storing my car this year, and next years after, I drove it for two years, I miss the times drifting onto the 404, off the 404, just silding EVEYRWHERE FTW! oh well, jeep grand cherokee power this winter! keep it sideways safely guys…

ya, and change those summer tires

running semi bald stretched tires = non moving 240sx

i couldn’t even move at all on the first snowfall. and there was like 1cm on the ground if not, less.

i just got winters, and i say ppl start saving up and taking their summers off!

be careful guys, and don’t overestimate winter!

yes thats true, the slightest rain fall makes me slide so much and im not even taking off hard. and be careful when turning corners too…yesterday i was waiting to make a left turn on the most dangerous intersection in toronto (dufferin and allen road) and the on-coming lanes were turning then a FAGGOT in a red s13 was the last one to make the turn on a RED LIGHT on the PHONE and since he had to speed up to catch the red i saw him swerve a bit and i told myself what a fu*kin idiot i wanted to chase him and run him off the road

Remember to do your braking BEFORE turns, not in them. :R

Can’t break the laws of physics, and snow magnifies everything…momentum is momentum and speed is speed.

And as stated above by our fellow members, leave room.

Oh, and watch out for everyone else…drive easy. :wink:

I think the people that drive SUV’s are the biggest retards ever… they drive like twice the speed just cuz they have big cars and AWD and that crap… but most of them are still on all-season tires… >=(

I also hate those extremely slow drivers who are scared shitless and drive like half the speed limit just to be “safe”. they’re even on snow tires too! wtf…

oops… this is off topic isn’t it? :stuck_out_tongue: