FS- 1990 Suzuki GS500 Streetfighter $1500!!!

alright i really do need this gone, it may be going on ebay if nobody gives me cash. shoot me an offer, ill be showing it tomorrow and hoping to have it gone by the end of the week.

im practically giving this away now, but i cant afford to have it sit in my basement all winter. buy it now for stupid cheap!

ok seriously why do i still have this? $1500 GET IT OUT OF HERE!

I’ll take it now, and pay you when I come home on leave for Christmas? :stuck_out_tongue:

haha i need cash ASAP! lol thats why i need this to go so bad so soon.

tickets the reason?

800$ /???

yup, but i cant go as low as 800. 1500 is a complete steal.

hhhhmmmm tempting…

doooooooooooooo it, i seriously need it gone. ill even include the gear for you.

would u do 1200 in cashh?


got back to u stay in touch

sounds good, as of right its still up for sale. BUY IT!

im buying a turbo kit now for my civic haha so im gonna be outa this deal glws tho someone jump on this

Dude, keep the bike till spring, If you need storage let me know

I would have bought it for $1500. :frowning:

It’s a great looking bike for sure! :tup:

dude if I could keep it, I would. It’s gotta go.

this bike is BA, bump for you

thanks, free bump i guess. it may be looking like im taking up the offer of 800, maybe start the bidding from there? anyone want to match or beat it?
